Took my first step today

shoulda started with shared until your established then work your way up based on requirements.

Saves a few bucks :)
I went with the lowest package for their vps, so it will be $25 a month w/ 4 IP's. I can handle that for a few months while decided if this is for me or not.
I have two sites that will be my main money sites.

1. is a personal finance blog which I think will be easy to monetize and I have a finance degree and enjoy helping friends set-up budgets and work towards getting out of debt, so even if I can't make money with it I'll enjoy running it.

2. is a poker site, I'm a supervisor/dealer at a poker room and some dealer friends and myself want to start writing about dealing and what we go through. There will also be strategy stuff and eventually a forum.

I know both areas are over-saturated but I enjoy those topics a lot. I will also be getting a2p and take a swing at ebay affiliate sites.
both those niches can be highly lucrative - if you continue to pump out really good content on both, you will see some success in a few weeks, but probably months. you're better off publishing for both those niches than trying to do anything else SEO related (so squash your ebay affiliate and amazon ideas)
You've got that patient and knowledge behind to run with both ideas.

What hosting company did you use for this project?

Oh...Are the 4 IPs static?
hostgator and I don't know if they are static (noob here).

Why squash the ebay idea? I figured the more I did the better and if I set them up correctly couldn't they be on autpilot and bring a small amount of revenue ?
Two major niches like that will be hard work. Adding on additional niche site projects for ebay may stretch you too thin if you want the first ones to have a decent chance at earning.

From my own personal experience over the past several months it is very easy to take on too much and try to get every idea you have built. And, the building isn't the's the promotion. SEO is a long slow grind in many cases, and things don't happen overnight in the competitive niches unless you already have a lot of resources.

Also, I haven't heard much good about being an ebay affiliate lately.

Good luck on your projects, though. You should do well with your ideas if you stick to it and do the work.
those are two difficult niches to break into, i'd suggest targeting long tail keywords with decent volume to start off ... taking the first step is huge nonetheless. you'll learn much about building and maintaining web properties.
The trick for hard niches like poker is to NICHE THE HELL OUT OF IT. Example

"Poker for out of work dads"
"Lady's Poker"
"Poker for College Students"

etc etc

Build the audience first - monetize it multiple ways second

Most people find a product then go look for traffic

If you capture the trust of a captive buying audience you can monetize it ad infinitum....

Just kinda sucks it takes years of trial and error to have figured that out.
From my own personal experience over the past several months it is very easy to take on too much and try to get every idea you have built. And, the building isn't the's the promotion. SEO is a long slow grind in many cases, and things don't happen overnight in the competitive niches unless you already have a lot of resources.

This is very true. My first year in IM I did no almost SEO in terms of promotion, because I tried to target only really low competition keywords that would naturally end up the top of the rankings without promotion. But a lot of them didn't. So now I've got this massive pool of old content that I'm going back to properly SEO and my income is really growing. But there's so much fucking content for me to go back to, I never even know where to start and I have to force myself to just focus on one small set of keywords at a time (it's hard to choose and stick with just a few when you have thousands upon thousands of them - you want to do all of them but you just don't have time unless you outsource).