Took another wrong turn...


New member
Apr 3, 2009
Cruzen along teh interwebs, doing some niche research, minden my own Dam bidness, took a wrong turn, landed on another freaky fetish site

Shit Son


there was a documentary on this guy a while back. seems he's a tad religious and won't take a blood transfusion and thus can't have surgery to deal with this.

his skin is so tight that it often weeps blood. sexy.
GTFO that cant be a tumor, why don't they cut the damn thing off? Please send a link to this story.
GTFO that cant be a tumor, why don't they cut the damn thing off? Please send a link to this story.
its true
The Man With No Face - ABC News

According to the Discovery Channel program, Mestre never treated his tumor because of "years of medical misinformation, some misdiagnosis, lack of finances, and reluctance to undergo traetment due to religious beliefs."
(Discovery Channel)

Mestre, who is reportedly a Jehovah's Witness, may have to seek out a doctor who is comfortable performing a bloodless surgery. Jehovah's Witnesses intrepret the Bible in such a way that they do not believe in accepting blood transfusions.
(Discovery Channel)