Today is the day. Donate $100 at

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New member
Jun 9, 2007
America, it used to mean so much.

Growing up there I could not imagine life anywhere else or why anyone would ever live want to live anywhere else. Of course living on the border I saw people braving 100s of miles of desert just for a chance in America. I was young, maybe foolish but it seemed great.

Now we have seen the seedy underbelly of politics and corporate greed. We have watched our liberties dissapear and be replaced with fear of everyone, including our neighbors.

This needs to stop. We need to stop it. The elected politicians for the most part do not stop it. But there is one that has shown that he is not afraid and has principals. He has been in politics anhd has not folded and been influenced by corporate sponsors. But that is why he needs us more as he does not have companies lining up to give him money knowing he will give them favorable conditions after being elected.

He might not make the goal today. And that is acceptable, we need to show him that we care. We need to show the media what is popular.

Freedom is popular.

Sure we like watching drug seizures, car chases, and unjust wars for amusement for a while, but what we need is freedom. we need representation in Washington for us.

Lets get it!

If you are an American citizen or a permanent resident with a green card please go there and donate. Even if you dont vote for him next year, show the other candidates that we are not pleased, not even a little bit.

The front page of his site shows live donations. It has gone up $100,000 in just 15 minutes! Maybe he has a chance. Maybe we have a chance!

Here is my confirmation. Please post your online or email confiramtion. Lets see the Wickedfire spirit.

Ron Paul 2008 - Hope for America


Thank you for your generous donation of $100.00!

Contribution received!

Thank you very much for your donation to the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign.
Your donation will allow us to expand and grow our campaign.
We depend on donors like you to help us spread the message of freedom, peace and prosperity through Ron Paul’s candidacy.
You will receive an email shortly with a confirmation number.

Ya I saw that graph. I wish sales on my sites looked that. Look at everyone waiting for midnight......Boom

BTW they take paypal too if you dont have a CC, or have some money sitting on your paypal.

sorry, i'm too paralyzed with fear and scared of terrorists to click on that link. Terrorists be rudy rollin all the time up in this bitch. First they get you to donate and lobby for them then they steal your car and drive it into structurally unsound thrift stores. The worst part is after they destroy your car and your favorite thriftway everyone panics and the police goes shootin up Jack In The Box every day for the next 6 years because its located on the same street and they have the precious curly fries the mayor and his buddies want whereas thriftway only has used penny loafers. Man I love jack in the box. So for the love of Jack quit being such a bitch!
sorry, i'm too paralyzed with fear and scared of terrorists to click on that link. Terrorists be rudy rollin all the time up in this bitch. First they get you to donate and lobby for them then they steal your car and drive it into structurally unsound thrift stores. The worst part is after they destroy your car and your favorite thriftway everyone panics and the police goes shootin up Jack In The Box every day for the next 6 years because its located on the same street and they have the precious curly fries the mayor and his buddies want whereas thriftway only has used penny loafers. Man I love jack in the box. So for the love of Jack quit being such a bitch!

Damn Eli! I've never heard anything so sound and logical in all my life. You totally taught that newb a thing or two about reason and sound investigative work.
Damn Eli! I've never heard anything so sound and logical in all my life. You totally taught that newb a thing or two about reason and sound investigative work.

Yeah I went straight for the mental jugular with that argument. I had to. I don't enjoy being such a newb pwner, its just necessary sometimes.
No that itsnt a goatse at that Rudy site. I checked google and that is an authority site with a cache and all.

But really Vote for Judy... I mean Rudy? No thanks. Go to Digg and look at the "Rudy Guiliani cell phone wife 9/11"

Is he using 9/11 as a resume builder? Remember he did nothing, and his city was scouted/reconned while he was there. And most of the valuable evidence was dismissed / tampered with / and trucked off on the largest multiple murder site in the city's history. Do you really want 4 or 8 years of that kind of shit? This guy was lucky to be mayor for so long.
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