Today I made my first profits. Can someone HINT the right direction.


New member
Dec 20, 2010
I've been lurking for a few months and tried a few different things. Today I discovered I made some profits through Adsense (peanuts I know) but profit nonetheless. Having made something out of nothing my enthusiasm is somewhat back.What I'd like to know is if there is anyone here who is running a blog regarding consumer credit. I tried applying for credit [dot] com affiliate program but was refused twice due to low traffic.

Any tips regarding the best networks for me would help, also I am having trouble building links with other sites relevant to mine. Affiliate programs relevant to consumer credit are asking me for more traffic,around how many visitors per month should I have before I even think about applying to these networks.

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post my site here but I will PM you if you'd like to see it,other than that I'm still pretty ignorant when it comes to onlinemonies ( PLEASE PLEASE DONT LINK ME ) so take it easy on me.

And the b:love-smiley-085:bs as promised.:thumbsup:


As I'm sure you've already discovered, you're playing in an ultra-high competition niche. That doesn't mean you can't make good $ in it, it just means its going to take significantly more work and time to get there.

If you can't get links from relevant sites, create your own relevant sites. Whether they be your own domains hosted on different IPs or just 2.0 sites like blogspot or whatever. Build your backlink empire.

Investigate where your competitors are getting their backlinks from (Yahoo Site Explorer is good enough to do the trick). Do everything you can to emulate their backlink profile and then get more backlinks. Then get some more. Then get 14k more.
Having made something out of nothing my enthusiasm is somewhat back.

I don't want to discourage you as everyone starts at the bottom but the most important thing you need to know is that you absolutely did not make something out of nothing. You need to factor in the initial investment and ongoing maintenance time involved in any money making activity or you are kidding yourself.
Try some of the other networks ...'s offers suck IMO anyway. Look on CJ, LinkShare, Shareasale, etc ...