To spend money on SEO or EMD?


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
hey guys

I want to go after a keyword that gets 12k exact US searches a month. it's a physical product btw. the .org owner has it listed on sale for $750. What would you have done? buy the domain or rather spend $700 on a domain? Do EMD's still get the edge? I plan to build an adsense site.

I'd check that but really without seeing what the domain/niche is it it's hard to say if it's worth it or there a site on it now? Is it parked? Are there links pointing to it? Does it rank for its phrase anywhere right now? Is it a tough niche? How old is the domain? What's the competition doing? Where the .com/nets at? How profitable will it be? Those are some of the things you have to think about so it's not as simple as just A vs B.

I'd also see if there's some other aged non-emd with history that contains the phrase I want to target that I can find cheaper. Check tdnam.
Forgot to say - yes they do still get the edge. But whether it's worth it to justify spending $700 on it would still depend on factoring in those things I mentioned and a few more I may have missed...
Hey that was pretty helpful thanks a lot. Well i just checked a few things you said. The whois says that it was created in 2006. Cant check links since i am on mobile right now. The .net is ranking on the second page and its a crappy e commerce store. . And .com is parked. This one i am interested in is also parked. I know its going to be profitable if i rank on top but just not sure if its worth spending $750 for the .org
Well after a little more research on whether it will be worth it or not, why not go for it and then you can always share your reviews and let us know of the details.
I would definitely suggest going with seo. If you spend that much money on seo then you could do some serious damage. I am saying seo coz you can always book a domain which is close to the EMD domain. It might not work as well. But then seo is more important. Coz you still need to seo an EMD domain unless it is already ranking or something then its a different story altogether.
You really need to check the competition first. You need to KNOW you will be able to rank it within a reasonable budget that the site will pay off. If that's the case, then I'd rather just get the EMD with a letter attached.


Take your extra 740 and put it into SEO. That should more than make up the difference of the EMD boost since you still have the keyword in the domain.
buy the EMD for sure man it's worth more than 700$ of SEO.

But only if youre sure the traffic is worth it. If it's a niche that you dont know would convert dont do it
You really need to check the competition first. You need to KNOW you will be able to rank it within a reasonable budget that the site will pay off. If that's the case, then I'd rather just get the EMD with a letter attached.


Take your extra 740 and put it into SEO. That should more than make up the difference of the EMD boost since you still have the keyword in the domain.

Better even....forget about the first 2 variants and go for no 3. Make it a

Seeing that big G basically is a computer program reading what is presented it will see the url starting with the keyword and discount the meaning less "x". If there were 10 different urls all containing the same keyword and its variations big G will list the one that starts out with the actual keyword phrase first.
if your keyword is buy shirts
then go for buy-shirts .com/.net/.org or for shirts-buy .com/.net/.org
my personal experience will say you to not spend 700 $ for an EMD only .
SEO imo unless you can very quickly recoup your investment in the EMD with a couple sales (most niches you can't)
I"m on the SEO bandwagon.

I'd only spend that much on a EMD if I was building a brand around that name or it had a website already on it that I got as well.

I've even strayed away from that now. I'm building a brand around a few keywords and I've just gone for Keyword HQ It's easier (no back an forth over emails trying to get shit worted), faster (it's almost always available) and simpler (buy it and get your shit going).

Use the other $740 for SEO. There are some amazing packages on here. Check out Bofu2u's Link Arrow. Fucking kills it.
