To be successful...

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Jul 14, 2006
Just Curious, but exactly how much html/code do you actually know? Today I got was my first day at $5 a day from adsense, and I realized.... I know next to nothing without dreamweaver. Do I need to brush up to hit the next level, or is it something that would be difficult to get through, but possible?


The short answer is "yes". You will have to brush up on the html. Dreamweaver does wonders, but it leaves a lot or useless and crappy codes lying about in the final html file.

You'll want to be able to understand what's going on as well and it'll help you reorganize your page etc. when you're ready to enter the realm of SEO.
Yeah nothins going to be better than whipping out a text editor and cutting the code straight out but you can survive with dreamweaver. Definately learn html though, it will help you down the line for sure.

Learn php too!
If you are using dreamweaver just start going into the code view to see how things are done and it also has a great help section built in if you get stuck.

I use dreamweaver but I never use the design view because I don't like it. The reason I like dreamweaver is because it acts like a managment system for several sites that I can quickly access and code.
absolute bollocks. You don't need to know anything except about internet marketing.

You can hire people to do the donkey work (HTML/CSS/PHP etc) for you whilst you concentrate on the money making bits.
jamiejelly said:
absolute bollocks. You don't need to know anything except about internet marketing.

You can hire people to do the donkey work (HTML/CSS/PHP etc) for you whilst you concentrate on the money making bits.

Don't sit on the fence, say what you REALLY FEEL!!

Seriously though, you're right except for when you are first starting out you maybe can't afford to outsource this stuff.
I would agree with that sometimes when starting out money is tight. Web design can be really time consuming, and sometimes not cost effective when you can outsource. This is even more so with php and other forms of coding. THere are itchy young people on the internet willing to do this tedious tasks for cheap.

I would still say html, php etc is important to know so you can keep you site updated. Whether that be tweaking the design for your own taste, CTR, etc. Also the reason dreamweaver sometimes put out crappy code is because people use design mode. It put out some mean code with some wierd breaks etc. Still nothing compares to the crap Microsoft Front Page produces. I dont even really use design mode just test it in IE or Firefox and edit the code directly.

Also what can help you learn is go to an open source web design site. Then download some sites and look at their code. Start changing some of the code to see what happens. You will pick it up fast
jamiejelly said:
absolute bollocks. You don't need to know anything except about internet marketing.

You can hire people to do the donkey work (HTML/CSS/PHP etc) for you whilst you concentrate on the money making bits.

I totally agree.

I'd like to know HTML and PHP just to know it. I like making web sites. But unless your starting a site making busniess or something, not knowing it wont keep you from making money.
I believe it is important to know the basics of everything. I'm always learning something on the side. I currently have a linux book I borrowed from a friend sitting next to me on the desk.

I don't like to depend on people to do shit for me. If something small has to be fixed, I don't want to have to wait around for someone to take care of it.

For sure learn HTML, it's easy. Knowledge is power ;) haha
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