Tin Foil Hats

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Less Is More
Apr 24, 2008
How can wikipedia allow crap like this Tin foil hat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and who are the affiliate marketers below trying to protect their keywords from mind readers?


Well they are sort of social meme so I guess it makes sense they would be on wiki.
Well, the article is a fairly factual article on the use and reasons behind a tin foil hat... it's not the article is sating that you actually need one to prevent mind control or brain cancer...

The really sad thing is that tinfoil from the supermarket doesn't actually prevent enough radiation to prevent radio frequencies with any great efficiency. You'd need to make it out of a denser metal, like copper or gold.
You used to be able to buy faraday cage baseball caps actually. I forget exactly where I saw them for sale, but they're your standard NY cap with a copper mesh on the inside. This was back in the day when the phones had switched from analogue to digital and people were saying you'd get cancer from the increase in signal strength *jerk off motions*
I meant allowing pictures like the first one.

HarveyJ, did you learn all that in science class?
Rockhard: Yeah, I took a number of hard sciences as part of my HSC... I just kinda sponge up info, and it all comes out at times like this, where what I thoguht was totally useless trivia merely becomes boring trivia.

But the pic of the kitty in the tinfoil hat is too cute, and therefore should be there (imo)...
I don't think that guy is actually serious, either, and the Wikimedia folk are known for having a sense of humour (they did set up Uncylcopedia as well - here's their article on tinfoil hats: Tin Foil Hats - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia)
Y'know, after looking at that pic, I just can't stop smiling, actually... I'm a sucker for cute animals *much shame*
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