Time to Kick Ass

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Running with Scissors
Feb 16, 2008
I posted this as a reply to another thread and thought I would paste it here as a new post. Why? Because I need the fucking motivation so deal with it. It's time to stop spinning my wheels and start banking some coin.

I frequently hang out at two other places. Where has it gotten me? Well, let's see, after 10 months in the game I've got a huge credit card balance. Gee, isn't that great? I've been reading here at WF every now and then, also but clearly not as often as I should have been.

I've wasted money on e-books, "methods", "systems", "coaching clubs", etc. I feel like I should be going to an "Asshats Anonymous" meeting.

"Hi, my name is Chris, and I'm an asshat."

(all respond) "HI, CHRIS!"

I realize I should have been building my own business all along. I just re-read the "recipe for a $200K a year job" thread and I'm wondering why the hell I didn't try to dominate something locally before. Why compete with internet marketers all over the world when I could just dominate my hometown?

So my wife's pissed at me, my 3 kids have forgotten what I look like, my mortgage "J-O-B" sucks ass, and our central air just went up on Wednesday...another 10 fucking grand we don't have. Yeah, yeah, cue the fucking violin. I'm sweating my balls off as I sit here typing this.

To sum up,

"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna' take it any more."

Time to kick ass and chew gum...and I'm all outta' gum.

Goooooood morning, Wicked Fire!

Man, don't make me tally it all up. Actually, most of the e-books were "cracked" or "hacked" so I DL'd them...and most of them are sitting on my hard drive...read once.

As for "methods", I'm guessing a few thousand dollars. Some of them are really great...if you like fraud and getting banned, that is. Luckily, I wasn't stupid enough to go down that road.

I actually do have a few slgihtly-profitable websites going, including several phpBay sites, so all is not lost.

It's just time to get my head out of my ass. It's stuffy in here.

Hey, I just got an estimate on new central air. Only $7,000. Not as bad as I thought. Better go write some articles...lol.

Well, sounds like my 10-month-old is up from her nap. Probably because she's sweating her ass off. I know I am.
I'm hoping everything works out for you man. :thumbsup:
I'm in a similar position; so know you're not alone.
I've yet to read one of them e-books. Maybe that's why I make money.

Honestly though there's 100 ways to make good money right in this forum. Sometimes you need to read between the lines. But they're here. It's not going to be handed to you on a platter with a step by step tutorial. But honestly if they were you wouldn't learn anything. Pick 1 thing that made you some money and work on duplicating it and improving it. Don't do ANYTHING else or get sidetracked with other get rich faster projects. Take your lumps through trial and error and you'll wind up a happy camper in the end.
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When my campaigns start to suck, I power up the good old zip/email submits and cheap content network clicks. It wont get you rich, but will cushion some of your daily losses a little bit. Hope that helps.
Good luck. I hope you make some cash to buy that a/c.
It's fucking hot in August.
August? Man, it's hot NOW. I think I'm losing weight by the minute.

Yeah, my biggest sin is starting something and then hitting "New Posts" and seeing something else and jumping over to that.

We'll be all right. In fact, I have a pretty bad-ass idea on something to do locally. I just need to think through it and figure out how to implement it.
When my campaigns start to suck, I power up the good old zip/email submits and cheap content network clicks. It wont get you rich, but will cushion some of your daily losses a little bit. Hope that helps.

When you say cheap, are you talking sub $1CPM, or sub $.10CPC? Just curious how you utilize the content network.
Pick 1 thing that made you some money and work on duplicating it and improving it. Don't do ANYTHING else or get sidetracked with other get rich faster projects. Take your lumps through trial and error and you'll wind up a happy camper in the end.
Best advice I've read in a while. I've been in this business a long time - started as a publisher in fact - and that's exactly how I found success. I didn't move on to a new project until I had perfected (more or less) the previous one and it was running on auto-pilot. That way, my revenue stream didn't have to suffer while I spent all my time focusing on the new project.

Good luck to you Chris, and DON'T give up. Although you seem to hate your job, it's still possible to become successful in this business while you work at it. Might take some late nights, but it's worth it in the end.
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