Time for a new adwords account?

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Lucky Noob.
Jan 7, 2008
I've read a bunch of stuff recently on improving my adwords QS, and everyone says you need to keep a good lifetime CTR for the account. I'm wondering if I should start over with a new account, because my CTR is 0.14% after 91,000 impressions. That seems really low, but I really have no idea what a CTR should be like, or if that is such a small number of impressions in the big scheme of things that I should just power through it. Thoughts?

Interesting. Be careful, Google "Officially" says you "CAN'T" have more than one adwords account (but of course your INC could have another one) and I did see that to get access to their API you need another one that's like a "SUPER Account" that can manage other ones, so essentially they're asking you to have ANOTHER one (because it can't be your original one)

You confused yet?

I didn't think it was based on "life time" of you account, but "life time" of your ad group.

What does everyone else think?
you must have a lot of time at your hands, if you want to switch accounts after a measely 100k impressions ;)

i would have to switch some accounts like 40 times a year, if 100k would give me any hint about what the ctr looks like later on.

so no. wait for a couple of million impressions (which implies that you use the content network). after that time you can have a guess at your account score.
don't open a new account...you can still recover from this, christ i had that many impressions yesterday...also content network impressions don't count towards your search QS
Lol, ok.. I was pretty sure that 100k impressions wasn't really shit, it's just rough because I'm getting google slapped pretty quickly. Had my first profitable day yesterday though, and I'm making progress in the whole thing. Maybe I'll have lots of good stuff to say soon.
When Google insists on a $2-$10 minimum bid, that's when you know the QS has slapped you. A mere 0.13% CTR is just the results of your keyword/ad text/bid combo.
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