Tim Russert Dead At 58

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Tim Russert, died on Friday afternoon of a heart attack in his office in Washington, DC. He was 58 years old and collapsed while working on voice overs for his Meet The Press show this Sunday morning. He leaves behind his wife and son, whom are both still in Italy on vacation celebrating his son Luke's recent graduation from Boston College a week ago.

Tim Russert was the top political voice and personality for American politics, and took over the Meet The Press TV show 17 years ago. He was also a staple on election nights throughout presidential elections. Tim Russert was the man behind "Florida! Florida! Florida!" during the Gore/Bush election that put the entire presidential race into perspective.

I wasn't a huge fan of Meet The Press, but I would catch it every now and again. I'm sure its going to be strange for a lot of people to not see Mr. Russert on election night later this November. When Tom Brokaw broke the news at around 3:30pm on Friday, he looked like he was in shock and on the verge of tears. Very surreal to see Mr. Brokaw show emotions like that, but then again, he and Tim Russert were pretty close and longtime coworkers.

Heres whats really interesting about this...

One of the few journalists that I've truly respected. This guy was the man - knew his shit and never forgot where he came from.
I always thought Russert let himself get beat up in interviews. He was a likable guy, and a man's man. But Rumsfield and Cheney, among others, regularly walked all over him.
I always thought Russert let himself get beat up in interviews. He was a likable guy, and a man's man. But Rumsfield and Cheney, among others, regularly walked all over him.

Are you sure we're talking about the same person? Tim Russert always had his facts straight and didn't let people slide with their spin.

Russert is probably one of the last unbiased journalists we had that actually did his homework.
I agree with Hazzan, Russert was a fanboy for the Bushites. He would not hit people hard and would not ask the obvious next tough question.

I know you need to be nice to get people to come on a show, but he was not that tough especially in the runup to the war.
I agree with Hazzan, Russert was a fanboy for the Bushites. He would not hit people hard and would not ask the obvious next tough question.

I know you need to be nice to get people to come on a show, but he was not that tough especially in the runup to the war.

The guy was a known democrat. As a matter of fact, he was a democrat operative who dug up dirt on republicans before he turned journalist.
The guy was a known democrat. As a matter of fact, he was a democrat operative who dug up dirt on republicans before he turned journalist.

This is correct. Drake, what the fuck are you talking aboit? :bigear:
The guy was a known democrat. As a matter of fact, he was a democrat operative who dug up dirt on republicans before he turned journalist.

just goes to show how good of a journalist he was. He was very fair and played both sides. He knew how to call bullshit when he saw it. I watched the tribute to him today - it was very sad. My Sunday mornings won't be the same.
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