Throw your microwave out the window

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New member
Nov 27, 2008
What do you think? Do you really think microwaves are that harmful. He says that nuking food eliminates all Vitamins in the food. Wow...
[ame=]YouTube - The Dangers Of Using Microwaves[/ame]

What a fucking idiot. There's a difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. A microwave uses non-ionizing radiation (not the same as nuclear, x-rays, etc).

This guy should take a science class. Preferably a high-school level course.
i live on microwave cooking, i think im healthy, so this is bullshit.

Not exactly great science with that line of thinking.

I personally don't use microwaves in my house. But Restaurants and 7-11 do. When I eat microwave food it goes straight through me.

You really don't need them and it is just one more stupid appliance in the kitchen. But I dont live in the USA so I am not around all the great microwave food. Marie Calendars spaghettis are pretty damn good.

Did you know that in Russia they found that microwaves are harmful to food and don't sell them? At all...
Did you know that in Russia they found that microwaves are harmful to food and don't sell them? At all...

haha, that's pretty funny considering the average life expectancy for Russian men is less than 59 years... lot of good banning microwave ovens did them...
These guys just drive me nuts, as my wife picks up on this crap and next thing you know, the kids and I are eating cold frickin' macaroni for a week.

When I die, if I end up in hell, these are the guys who will be my cellmates
I am just glad we got rid of ours.

That radiation stuff is bull, but scientists have proven that it alters the taste due to changes in the molecule makup of the food.
(As if anyone needed proof that nuking food makes it taste different)

The harm in it was more in the fact that my wife and I started to consume much more junk, although we are both good cooks.

So when we moved, and our new kitchen had no space for it, AND my parents in law needed a new one - Opportunity seized, microwave gone.

Now I am getting fat on healthy food :D

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