Threatened with sued if I leave post on my forum

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I like big jugs
Nov 28, 2006
in a house ...
I have property site with a forum. Someone posted a warning about a scam company they were ripping UK people off with property deals. They went out of business and set up as another just as one was liquidated. The forum post lists the directors names & the new company.

They want me to remove 3 posts all the same warnings, and reckon I have cost them
[FONT=&quot]£10,000 in lost revenue which is a joke. I have seen the same message on many other property forums including .

I detest scammer's having been a scam baiter for a while, and am wanting to keep it up there. But would rather keep my money, I think they are just trying to scare me off.

Jon your an expert on this - my site is a but the company is based in Gibraltar & the server is in the US. They are in the UK and want to send me a writ demanding I remove the content from my site by Friday.

Should I just put a disclaimer on the bottom?

tell them that you will post everything they send you on the forum. piratebay has a hilarious collection of lawyers letters on their site. do something similar.

not a lawyer BUT... truth is an absolute defense against libel in the UK. US forums are also protected by freedom of speech judgements - go look at the disclaimer on for an outline. Quite frankly, a bunch of UK scammers with 1 failed enterprize behind them have about as much chance of suing a gib company hosted in the states as I do of avoiding the fucking rickroll links everywhere on this site.
tell them that you will post everything they send you on the forum. piratebay has a hilarious collection of lawyers letters on their site. do something similar.

not a lawyer BUT... truth is an absolute defense against libel in the UK. US forums are also protected by freedom of speech judgements - go look at the disclaimer on for an outline. Quite frankly, a bunch of UK scammers with 1 failed enterprize behind them have about as much chance of suing a gib company hosted in the states as I do of avoiding the fucking rickroll links everywhere on this site.

Great ideas will check out piratebay, I think I will just post those emails.
JUST IGNORE THOSE MAILS..let them think you're not getting the mails:)
They'll get even more heated up!
tell em fuck off aint shit they can do usa hosted site and the corp is gibralter and uk domain dont even sweat it. The legal fees would be $50k plus just to get all agenecies to work in unison these dicks wont pay the fees
That's a good one. I think I'm going to start replying to the 'newbie' spam I get with that link. Figure if they are going to waste 1.2 seconds of my life I'll at least get them back for a few minutes :)
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