Thoughts/Ideas On Developing & Monetizing A VERY Generic MOBI Domain?


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Whats going on, hope I got this in the correct forum. Wanted to see what some of your thoughts are on what to do with a generic MOBI domain I got a hold of.

It has to do with a generic local business term (think,,, etc..), in which I would ideally like to display a US or even worldwide listing of businesses in obviously a format for mobile phones and somehow monetize it.

MY original thoughts were a MOBILE white label of the yellow pages but I don't even think this exists. Even a mashup of various local search sites (since some offer API's), but I'm clueless on how to even develop using API's, programming is not my strong point.

In my position now, all I can think of is scraping the entire yellow pages, getting the database into wordpress and add some mobile plugins. Again I'm sure this is the worst possible idea on what to do with this domain and the ability to monetize it.

Appreciate any ideas or suggestions anyone wants to throw my way. I know a lot of you are experienced programmers so I'd figure I ask. Even though its a .mobi , its gets about 400,000 searches a month so I gotta do something with it. Thanks!

It really sounds to me like you may have to put a little $ into developing this domain into something proper.

But to be honest in my eyes its GOLD!

I imagine something easy and simple, like input your Zip Code and Bam there is a list of the professionals.

Paid Service = Sponsored Listing when the search is within X miles.

If you get it developed and start getting mobile traffic for the niche, I really believe this would turn in to long term income.

Anyway, Best of luck with your endeavors
Thanks for the ideas - was thinking something along those lines, like a mashup of some of the local search API's available out there. Too bad I have no clue how to program it though, gonna think it out a little further.

Ideally what I wish was available was a white label of some type of business directory. Again I've seen them but nothing mobile formatted. Wanted something fast and quick to implement since I can get it marketed well pretty fast. I really don't want to throw a lot of $$$ at this domain since its a .mobi and I don't have much faith in them being relevant down the road since the phones coming out now can render a normal (.com) website.