Those elbows though


Level 3
Dec 2, 2012
Break the internet? Please.


I would tap it a few times, it's like buying a new car, it's exciting/amazing/proper at first, then it gets rusty.
Her ass is just ridiculously disproportionate to her body. Hell, to anybody's body for that matter. Even on her damn show, she just looks stupid in her tight jeans or yoga pants. Don't get me wrong I like a nice (guys) ass as much as the next homie, but her's is just so big it's not even right for her body any more.

Oh and for those of you who think her ass is looking good now, I ask you to have a peek at it in 20 years. That thing ain't going to be gettin any smaller, or shapelier, as she gets older, that much I can assure you.
“Kim Kardashian: Hollywood” pulled in $43.4 million during the past quarter, reported San Francisco-based mobile game publisher Glu Mobile.

Jesus christ... anyone else done with humanity? fuck em'

First pic, I was ready to unlimber the lumber, elbows & all until I saw the full-frontal and realized just how far over the hill she is. Dat gurl be heading down the backside of the mountain, bros.

Bring on the cuckold POV and nagger cumbang videos, gurls gotta eat.
[ame=""]South Park: Kanye West explains why Kim Kardashian is not a Hobbit - YouTube[/ame]
I'm almost certain she did this cause she was jealous of all the attention the celebs in The Fappening got. Crazy fucking bitch or Great Marketer? I'll go with crazy.
I was listening to one of my subbed youtube channels earlier, and of course they mentioned her, said that she finna publish a book - about selfies. Ding!

in 100 years people won't talk petty shit bout her like we do now. she'll be bonafide cultural textbook school definition of a generational icon. And that's why #ifuckinlovescience #teamhuman #peopleareawesome