This was a great fucking Stumble

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Thanks! If I find anything good in here, will flag it and pass it along. ..
Actually, that is a great stumble. I didn't see any "get rich quick" ebooks, but I did see a lot of hacker books, docs, also some general networking books, and even the complete "Google Hacks" book by O'reilly.

+rep for this find. I'm dl'ing everything before that guy locks down his directory.
Guys go checkout and and you will find more ebooks than you can ever want (all wonderful business ebooks too!).

I blame the fuckers who started these sites for making me get a premium RS account :p
That list is so fucking old.. I remember that from the grade school days when we'd use the recorder tape thing to play to a payphone to get it to make free calls anywhere, or the shit with the payphones where you dial a certain REALLY long distance phone number (which turned out to be some boat that was permanently docked in west bumblefuck) and cost $30/min or something ridiculous like that, and you call it, let it ring once, and then hang up, call the operator and tell her you just called that number, where the phone booth you were calling from was at, and how much you lost on the call. They would usually give you some excuses like "can we send a technician to your location?" and you just tell them no, because you have to leave. So they'd jot down your name and address, etc, and send you a check in the mail. But the real scam and beauty of it was that they never actually submitted the report, because there was no report. It was easier for them to just mail you a check for what you claimed you had lost than to ever get a technician over there or bother to investigate or fix it because so few people ever reported it. But yeah, the real beauty was that you could do it from the same phone 5-10 times in a row, and always get a different operator, and just go to the next public payphone on the block, and do the saaaaame shit again, over and over and over.. and they NEVER caught on nor did any operator EVER question it or say "hey didn't you just call us?" or "we have you down for a check already" -- it would just ALWAYS work, hahaha. A buddy of mine from school and some of his internet pals made a living doing it all throughout school.

Ahh those were definitely fun days..
yeah, there must an ebook on "building a nuke in d kitchen"
or should i write one... guess it would convert well nowadays
yeah tell us which one.. because I mass downloaded them but my antivirus software cleaned it up automatically lol.. and yeah Jon I know they old.. but I love reading and having those things..anarchist cookbook.. hehe.. what a collection of stuff that was lol.. i liked the banned book as well.. i just wish i was born like 15 years earlier so i could have been around and older during the beginning of all of that stuff.. heh..
No virus found for me. Some of them look interesting.

Haha... there's one called 'stealing files from sites'! How ironic.
don't know which file - it was detected automatically. some backdoor trojan thing. I was near the middle of the page though i think- sorry, i was on autopilot and just downloading things that look interesting to me.
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