This is why you have to get molested at an airport

TSA doesn't make you any safer. If terrorist or anyone else wants to get weapons through, no matter how much scanning, probing and molesting is done, they will manage to do so.

I watched documentary on smuggling in prison, and these guys were able to shove an iPhone up their ass to get it into prison. Not to mention shanks and other weapons. Remember, the supposed 9/11 hijackers used box cutters. Simple weapons will always be able to be smuggled, period.

It's not about safety, it's about control.
I regularly carry polycarbonate knives through metal detectors in airports around America. Even my watches or belts with metal bands never get detected. The entire setup is a joke.
Funny because they once missed a pocket knife and another time a lighter in my handbag... (totally unintentional, I swear). Thank god that they don't make us take out liquids in dem small plastic bags anymore in places I usually travel to.
The trail...

Transportation Security Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

----> Aviation and Transportation Security Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

--------> 107th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

------------> George W. Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Transportation Security Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funding for TSA in 2011 is $8.1 billion. I'll let you draw your own conclusions. ;)

lol at voters.
Funding for TSA in 2011 is $8.1 billion. I'll let you draw your own conclusions. ;)

lol at voters.
Although I love this post and agree wholeheartedly with not only the content but your often-used quip at the end... DUDE, that was your 1000th post!

Where be da tatas Jake?
Although I love this post and agree wholeheartedly with not only the content but your often-used quip at the end... DUDE, that was your 1000th post!

Where be da tatas Jake?

Not my style. And frankly, at my age and with my history, pics of bare breasts hold very little interest for me. I don't even go into those threads.
Re; Jake: So you're saying you're too old to enjoy a good set of boobies?

You must be biblically old! I'm no spring chicken myself, but tatas are always welcome in front of my eyes...
Re; Jake: So you're saying you're too old to enjoy a good set of boobies?

You must be biblically old! I'm no spring chicken myself, but tatas are always welcome in front of my eyes...

<thread derail>

lol I'm definitely not too old. Never will be.

Think of it this way: When I was a kid, my family would go out for pizza once every few months (this was back when going out for dinner was a special event for families). I loved pizza. Still do.

When I got to college, I realized I could have as much pizza as I wanted, and any kind I wanted. So, I did. When I got into corporate america, I realized there was pizza everywhere. So, I ate. A lot.

I still love pizza. Always will. But seeing a picture of one does nothing for me. If it's in front of me, and I'm the only one at the table, that's a different ballgame. Then, I'm hungry. ;)

</thread derail>
given the choice of which plane to fly on: the one where passengers have to go through TSA security or the one without any security, I'd choose the TSA one.
given the choice of which plane to fly on: the one where passengers have to go through TSA security or the one without any security, I'd choose the TSA one.

You are a pussy. I would fuck some arab up, specially on a plane where the little bitch can't run away.

You know if they really wanted to bomb something and mess up masses of people they would just bomb the line before the TSA check. Way more people and they would be blowing up the air port too.
<thread derail>

lol I'm definitely not too old. Never will be.

Think of it this way: When I was a kid, my family would go out for pizza once every few months (this was back when going out for dinner was a special event for families). I loved pizza. Still do.

When I got to college, I realized I could have as much pizza as I wanted, and any kind I wanted. So, I did. When I got into corporate america, I realized there was pizza everywhere. So, I ate. A lot.

I still love pizza. Always will. But seeing a picture of one does nothing for me. If it's in front of me, and I'm the only one at the table, that's a different ballgame. Then, I'm hungry. ;)

</thread derail>

Hence the adage where the perfect woman "turns into a pizza at midnight", post-anal, vaginal and oral activity, of course.
The TSA is just a front to make the govt. to appear in control. If someone wanted to fly shit into a country, etc they would use private aircraft. Think about how much coke you could drop into a european country from a helicopter off a yacht in the mediterranean for example.

Sad it's going to take the mass illness of innocent people that are exposed to this shit to shut it down. The only good part is that when these ridiculous pat downs become the only option the TSA becomes 'real' to people who otherwise just ignored the problems with their protocol. The more parents that see junior and grandma molested by the TSA, the more enraged people will become and better the chance that it will stop.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Mythbuster Adam Savage Passes TSA Screening with 12 Inch Steel Blades‬‏[/ame]