This is why I'm broke


New member
Jun 3, 2007
Esoterica :: The Internet's Mall





Just in time for xmas, yw

can you believe this guy started it on reddit and relies soley on the meager 4% amazon throws his way for purchases? He now has enough to hire someone and is making deals with the distributors cutting Amazon all together. It's a great example of creating an authority site and sticking to networking (reddit) for business enhancement. no EMD's involved here.
can you believe this guy started it on reddit and relies soley on the meager 4% amazon throws his way for purchases? He now has enough to hire someone and is making deals with the distributors cutting Amazon all together. It's a great example of creating an authority site and sticking to networking (reddit) for business enhancement. no EMD's involved here.

He is using Adsense, too.

Also, fuck Reddit.
wait what's wrong with reddit? just stay away from the main subreddits. The rest is bearable. Also, fuck Politics and the news section
ya this guy banks hard as fuck from reddit. Always advertising, even posts in the self serv reddit advertising section about his stuff sometimes. really interesting and young guy.


lol@ his ad getting 10k upvotes. talk about brainwashing...

i respect his hustle
Depending on volume, Amazon throws way more your way than 4%.
