This Is What Happens When You Don't Do Your Chin-ups

How the hell did he fall off the chair lift? The instructions of "sit, and put the bar down" were too complex for him, or something? Maybe I'm not seeing properly, but the chair doesn't look broken or anything.
Also imagine being stuck on this, and no one EVER comes..

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How the hell did he fall off the chair lift? The instructions of "sit, and put the bar down" were too complex for him, or something? Maybe I'm not seeing properly, but the chair doesn't look broken or anything.

Reports say he was reaching at his board to collect the snow off it to use as a snowball. Guessing he reached too far out with no safety bar and started falling forward.
The backstory:

I was skiing when my friend gets off balance and ends up hanging from the chair. He did not have the security bar down. He hung from about Pole 8 to 21, and at 21 he fell. This was on a lift that averages 37ft above the ground, But pole 21 was the 3rd highest strech at about 45ft high, 19 being the highest. He suffered from injuries including: concussion, skull fracture, collapsed lung, and a lacerated liver. He had to be helicoptered out to a local hospital.
If the ski lifts are too far off the ground, I won't use them. I get panic attacks.

I'm such a pussy.
Reports say he was reaching at his board to collect the snow off it to use as a snowball. Guessing he reached too far out with no safety bar and started falling forward.

I see dumbasses do shit like this all the time here at cypress. Like every other time I go up the lift, I'm the one pulling the bar down. A few times just for an experiment I decided not to pull the bar down to see how long the other douches would take. We were like half way through the lift and no one went for it. One fucker tried to reach forward to tie his second binding for his board, with the bar still up.

Shit like this only happens to morons who have it coming. As an above poster said, once you get on pull the bar down and chill until you're at the top.
I was skiing when my friend gets off balance and ends up hanging from the chair. He did not have the security bar down. He hung from about Pole 8 to 21, and at 21 he fell. This was on a lift that averages 37ft above the ground, But pole 21 was the 3rd highest strech at about 45ft high, 19 being the highest. He suffered from injuries including: concussion, skull fracture, collapsed lung, and a lacerated liver. He had to be helicoptered out to a local hospital.

He did not have the security bar down.

He did not have the security bar down.

He did not have the security bar down.

That being said, if you can't pull yourself up a single time in full adrenaline mode, you are one skinny weak fuck that deserves to get concussion and collapsed lung. Teach him some bodyweight exercises in the meantime.