This administration and Israel?

"The Palestinian people deserve statehood and all that it entails: official recognition, endorsement by international organizations, the ability to deal with Israel on more equal footing and the opportunity to live in peace and security."

I wonder what the author supports
The Saudis in power are originally british backed and have supported us/british policy for a long, long time. They still do to a point but it seems like regional pressure is getting to them and now they're using the us's desires for the region as blackmail.

They're basically saying if you want us to stay bed buddies with you then give us a Palestinian state so we have some cred or we'll stop supporting your efforts to destabilize Iran and Syria and we'll renegotiate our energy policy.

This isn't so much an Obama thing as it is a Saudi thing. Saudi had told the us to jump in a lake just before 9/11 but their followthrough went no where because the media blamed saudi for supplying terrorists and the us showed up in the region with 100,000 troops. They've wanted to break ties with the us for a while and they've snuggied up russia quite a bit in the last couple years.

Saudi is pretty well immune to cia sponsored people power revolution in their country. They made it rain on their people a while back, just basically paying people to not riot and boosting jobs and so on.
Maybe American dollars no longer have enough prestige to blackmail the whole world into compliance.

I hope Israel is working on its relationship with China. I suspect some rough times are ahead as the US loses its supremacy.
Most people have it backwards on the US policy regarding Israel. We're not trying to protect them from their hostile Arab neighbors, we're trying to prevent Israel from starting a nuclear war. Our aid to Israel and our boots on the ground in Islamic countries etc is all a price we have to pay to keep Israel from blowing shit up.

If we ever withdrew our support from Israel, it's game over for civilization as we know it. I'm guessing that's part of the "Gee Whiz" briefing that every President gets after he's sworn in which explains why they all backtrack so quickly.

Sounds like rhetoric to me.