Thinking maybe affiliate marketing

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New member
Jun 11, 2008
I'm thinking of maybe getting into affiliate marketing. I am a programmer by trade and thought I could create my own web sites for the marketing.

Anyone want to give me some pointers on where/how to start in the affiliate industry?

Rich, normally you'd get flamed for posting such a question, but I'm too tired this morning.

You're in the right place to learn about AM. Wickedfire is truly one of the best resources on the net. That being said, here are some links to get you started: - Find out how to survive here - list of some of some great threads and articles - follow along with other n00bs learning this business

And finally: - Feel free to search the forums.

I know this may sound like I'm putting you off, but don't be afraid to ask questions. Just try to keep the really obvious ones to a minimum ;)

Welcome to Wickedfire.
The best thing to do is to go through and read EVERY post, some of them a few times. This is what I did and I have learned lots. I still have a long way to go but there are lots of good resources here.

Also use the search before asking question, people here will flame away if you don't :)
Ditto to both.

There is so much going on here, it can be hard to keep up. But if you can visit often and read as much as possible, you should start to get some unique ideas on your own.

Mike's links are undoubtedly the best place to start. But don't get too bogged down trying to follow techniques step by step. Use those ideas to help you come up with your own. That's working for me.

Mike. Make your sig not suck. The dancing is kinda freakin' me out!
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Thx for the pointers. One thing though...

In the N00b's guide to surviving WickedFire I noticed it says "2. You will see naked tits occasionally pop up (out?) of random posts." Is there any way to get naked tits to pop up frequently instead of occasionally?!

Boobs are GREAT!!!
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