Think this lame ass print media shit will convert?


New member
Feb 20, 2010
Promoting a resume writing ebook on Clickbank, little mcv's first hustle. Flyer's I'm going to post around UTexas campus with pull tabs. Austin has a pretty good student population, and west campus if Flyer city. Plus, startups are all over the place here. I figure put all that together, this might make some pennies.

Anyway, at the bottom are pull tabs. Shortened URL links.

For tracking purposes each location will have a different affiliate link with a tracking code of the place so I can track and see what parts of town get the most eyeballs if I want to upsell the offer from resumé writing ebooks to writing services.


How about it?

make a few different versions.

Test your headline first:

"Your Resume Sucks"
"14 Reasons Why Your Resume Blows"
"Don't You Want A 6 Figure Job?"


Play with their emotions on it. Granted this is easier and quicker to do online than it is in print. But it's food for thought.
make a few different versions.

Test your headline first:

"Your Resume Sucks"
"14 Reasons Why Your Resume Blows"
"Don't You Want A 6 Figure Job?"


Play with their emotions on it. Granted this is easier and quicker to do online than it is in print. But it's food for thought.

Sage words, I'll make a few with diff headlines and add that to my tracking URL and see what the numbers look like.

How did it work out for you?

My impulse - and it is just an impulse - would be to try something like "Monster Bites Head Off Shark" to get attention. Maybe the not-so-subtle hinting at and Jobshark.Com will fly over most people's heads, but it could have an unconscious impact and will definitely get you eyeballs.

I would then have a sub-headline that has something like, "here's how to easily create a resume that get you the dream interview and get you the dream job so that actually pay off all your crazy student loans."

... but I've always been one for the theatrical.

In any case, Groomez is right: test, test, test.

What I really like overall is that you're using offline traffic. Very cool. Does your book have a backend business attached to it like something by Ramit Sethi?
OOHH OOH OOHH. What about this headline:

Headline: You'll Always Be Broke and Buried In Debt
SubHead: ...Unless Your Resume Can Score You a Better Job


Gene Schwartz ain't got SHIT ON ME.
You could test another copy based around landing the perfect internship with your amazing resume.

For some programs getting into the right internship is just as/more important than landing a job after school because it will more or less determine what level you will be working at for the next few years, at least.

This would ring truest with STEM programs based on my personal experience. Play off them not wanting to be in a shithole lab out in the middle of some suburb doing assays for 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. That shit is absolutely soul-crushing.

Oh, and I'd probably go light with your spread around the 'business' colleges at the schools you're visiting. This stuff is part of the general business curriculum at just about every university I can think of.

The Liberal Arts and STEM colleges however...
You want to grab their attention with the headline....

Like they said above something that is borderline confrontational or faux pas can work wonders...

"3 reasons why your resume sucks"
"Don't make these 5 dealbreaking mistakes on your Resume!"

etc etc
Ok if I were running such a campaign I would have analyzed the distribution of the majors. (Should understand the demographics before testing)

Lets say we have 5 majors that represents 80% of the students as business administration, marketing, finance, engineering and advertisement and wrap the rest as general approach. So I need to prepare 6 campaigns for this project.

For business administration guys I would go something like
"Dreaming a 6 figure administration position?"
"5 things that should be in your resume"

"How to land a finance position"
"Extraordinary resume writing technique revealed"

"You think your analytical skills up to par?"
"7 Things that every engineer should implement to their resume"

"Creativity is a must for an advertisement position"
"5 things that your resume can show how creative you are"

You got the point I believe.

Then split test my landing pages based on the ads first then I would target long tail version of these keywords like engineer resume samples, advertisement CV template etc. and push the related ads to these KWs where the funnel is more optimized which will yield higher CTR and CPC will be lower.
I tried something similar using business cards and leaving flyers with local businesses. I was promoting a small business SEO and web design firm. Didn't not work that well.
I would test the headline:

"For <Insert Campus> Students Who Are Almost (But not Nearly) Happy With Their Own Resume - And Need Help Addressing What's Missing."

Chopped it up from a Boardroom headline (Eugene Schwartz company) I had in my swipe file, might want to change it a bit more. The basic framework is there

The original headline that pulled millions of dollars in boardroom publications was:

"For People Who Are Almost (But not Quite) Satisfied with Their Own Cooking -- And Can't Figure Out What's Missing"