there may be a small chance you'll come back to LIFE after you die


New member
May 4, 2012
pardon my craziness my fellow gaylords, I just had a couple of drinks, smoked a joint and had this crazy idea:

so there was this thread in here a while back about how we could crack immortality very soon (some say 40 years, others say 80, who fucking knows) but think about this: what if in 10,000 or 100,000 years, humans become so fucking advanced that they're able to revive bodies with DNA, or reconstruct new bodies based on old DNA.. and let's say they are able to travel anywhere in space and since all planets are fucking empty, they have the brilliant idea of digging out all bodies from cemeteries worldwide and shipping these motherfuckers (that's us) to remote planets to populate the fuck out of them...

or let's say some private companies start offering the service of 'reviving your loved ones' and someone in your family decides to revive everyone 10,000 years back to go populate another planet or some shit like that.

now since we're dead 100,000 years will pass like a motherfucking second.

what are the chances of something like this happening?

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How do you revive bones? Won't your brain be consumed by time?

Even if you do come back.. wouldn't it just be a clone (with no memories of your life) and not actually you they revived unless they kept your brain for safe keeping?
Another theory along those lines is in the future, those who want to meet their ancestors will be able to bring them back to life using a computer simulation (mind uploading).

To expand on that, its also possible that in the future, everybody uploads their minds into computer a simulated world, no longer confined to a biological body that dies.

Assuming this is the natural evolution of civilizations, this theory would also be the answer to Fermi's paradox.
Only way I will come back to life is if a big titty chick is on top of me and pumping my chest to bring me back to life, even then, I will think twice about it, no point in coming back to this shitty place.
I hope after I'm dead they don't try to come back and revive me. Please just let me fucking sleep for an eternity.

This thread fucking sucks.
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pardon my craziness my fellow gaylords, I just had a couple of drinks, smoked a joint and had this crazy idea:

so there was this thread in here a while back about how we could crack immortality very soon (some say 40 years, others say 80, who fucking knows) but think about this: what if in 10,000 or 100,000 years, humans become so fucking advanced that they're able to revive bodies with DNA, or reconstruct new bodies based on old DNA.. and let's say they are able to travel anywhere in space and since all planets are fucking empty, they have the brilliant idea of digging out all bodies from cemeteries worldwide and shipping these motherfuckers (that's us) to remote planets to populate the fuck out of them...

or let's say some private companies start offering the service of 'reviving your loved ones' and someone in your family decides to revive everyone 10,000 years back to go populate another planet or some shit like that.

now since we're dead 100,000 years will pass like a motherfucking second.

what are the chances of something like this happening?

discuss bros


Puff...puff give nigga...
What makes you conscious and the thing that you attribute your self-identity to isn't going to continue on if all you are doing is cloning your DNA into a person who looks just like you.
Not to mention, if you had the tech to do it all right now, would you really want to start bringing back every poor, illiterate slob that died before us?

...Let 'em share your food supply if so. :rolleyes: