There are 15,740 Social Media Experts on Twitter

Magic Hat

Number 9
Nov 27, 2009
According to Mashable...

Granted, a good percentage of which are probably bots, but still. One of the reasons I dislike Twitter- everyone's an expert. Any douche that knows how to setup a social media profile can claim to be an expert in the industry. Then there's these people on LinkedIn who answer LinkedIn Questions all day and give themselves the title of "Social Media Evangelist."

I just find it humorous. It's one big social circle jerk.

go to an affiliate summit and you'll witness this first hand.

nearly a third of every random ppl you meet at the conference will claim to be a social media expert and tell you all about how they can setup a myspace, facebook and twitter account for you.
So you're saying that going to, clicking the signup button, entering some text, and hitting the submit button doesn't make me a guru?

Psssh, I'd like to see you click those buttons like I do, n00bs.
...nearly a third of every random ppl you meet at the conference will claim to be a social media expert and tell you all about how they can setup a myspace, facebook and twitter account for you.

Wow. Seeing as nearly 350 million people (give or take a few of Bofu's bots) have managed to set up a facebook account without assistance I hardly think an "expert" is required.
Social Media Experts are Gay. True Story.

PS: I am not even joking.
So you're saying that going to, clicking the signup button, entering some text, and hitting the submit button doesn't make me a guru?

Psssh, I'd like to see you click those buttons like I do, n00bs.

Nah you gotta know how to have a custom background to be a guru.
One tried to fuck him, real talk. I don't think it was one of my bots, either.
I don't count you Social Media Expert until you have a Book Published, Have Been Featured on ReadWriteWeb or TechCrunch or Business Week. :p And the one who has met these qualifications is gay -- in more than one ways!
I have bots that click the buttons for me, I represent about 5789 of those 15740.

One tried to fuck him, real talk. I don't think it was one of my bots, either.

We get it... your a nerd. You were bullied in school, in college, in the workplace, by your wife... in fact your still being bullied this very minute... and now you command a vast army of bots to punish "Dog Training Tips" forums all over the Internet with your scareware spam. Your like... a Botmaster.
We get it... your a nerd. You were bullied in school, in college, in the workplace, by your wife... in fact your still being bullied this very minute... and now you command a vast army of bots to punish "Dog Training Tips" forums all over the Internet with your scareware spam. Your like... a Botmaster.

Don't be jealous, Dwayne.
We get it... your a nerd. You were bullied in school, in college, in the workplace, by your wife... in fact your still being bullied this very minute... and now you command a vast army of bots to punish "Dog Training Tips" forums all over the Internet with your scareware spam. Your like... a Botmaster.


You are going right to the top of my next ban vote.
We get it... your a nerd. You were bullied in school, in college, in the workplace, by your wife... in fact your still being bullied this very minute... and now you command a vast army of bots to punish "Dog Training Tips" forums all over the Internet with your scareware spam. Your like... a Botmaster.


He already earned my ban vote earlier

You are going right to the top of my next ban vote.

Shit, you're right. My spelling was atrocious. On the plus side, I've just realized from your post that I don't maintain a ban vote list for Internet forums in my memory and subsequently... I don't want to chainsaw my own fucking head off.

Which is nice!
Shit, you're right. My spelling was atrocious.

I'm going to make this real clear, you mentally disabled clown. You're is a contraction, merging the words you and are. It has nothing to do with spelling, it's GRAMMAR.

I would have never cared to correct anything at all if you weren't such an annoying dickwart on here all the time.

For the sake of your own future embarrassment please address your inability to comprehend this.

He's from Pakistan. Your a twat. How many languages do you speak, fatty boy?

Speaking of which... it's "You're" not "Your".

I'm drunk... but thank you spell-checker $35 an hour coder man.

omg this forum... your poor and sniping a drunk mans grammar. Let me tell you... you win: nothing.

Get back to work.

You did it wrong. Again.

the monkey came down from the tree and discovered the interwebs?

get the fuck out of here unless you're able to use English at a decent, understandable level.


There is an old proverb that goes something like "The smart man learns from his mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others. The degenerate fuckface never learns from even his own mistakes, making them over and over and over."
The only person who I'd call an "expert" in social media is Gary Vaynerchuk. He does what he says basically.
I'm going to make this real clear, though you piss me RIGHT OFF, yuro writings do something inside me. They have awaken a passion I thought had died many years ago. I imagine re'you eyes to be like glacial lakes... blue depths twinkling with with such caring. I want to spoon with you at ASW, feeling the warmth from uyro buttocks radiate through my pathetically inadequate winky.
