The worst logos ever

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Look at these two, they are pretty funny.


Logo for Instituto de Estudos Orientais


Logo for some Pediatric center


First one is crazy, its like that old optical illusion where your brain goes back and forth between the old lady and the young lady. Hilarious, I love stuff like this, you really have to wonder what they were thinking at the pediatric place.
JDA said:
First one is crazy, its like that old optical illusion where your brain goes back and forth between the old lady and the young lady. Hilarious, I love stuff like this, you really have to wonder what they were thinking at the pediatric place.

Normal people probably see things a whole hell of a lot different then most of us do.
John said:
Normal people probably see things a whole hell of a lot different then most of us do.

lol. I don't see how anyone could look at those and not think something is queer about them.
I think it's funny because you know the designer did it on purpose and was sitting there thinking "what a bunch of dumbasses" the whole time he's selling the logos to these companies.
Funny shit! Nice find. Here's another two mentioned in the comments on that page, following the same style...

"Anal" A:

...and an interesting dentist:

deronsizemore said:
I think it's funny because you know the designer did it on purpose and was sitting there thinking "what a bunch of dumbasses" the whole time he's selling the logos to these companies.

haha. I'm still laughing my ass off when I see these, I'm going to ask for a logo like one of these when I start my next business.
Designers are trained to notice this stuff, I'll bet they were laughing their assess off when their clients picked these logos
Ah Hahaha...those are great! Good finds.

What idiots said "That logo looks great, let's use that one".
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