The Unofficial Goldman Sachs Guide To Being A Man

Kinda sad that people feel the need to read a guide on how to be a man but that was an alright article i guess. Most of it is commonsense.
Kinda sad that people feel the need to read a guide on how to be a man but that was an alright article i guess. Most of it is commonsense.

LOL says the guy who just finished reading it.
I can tell the article is not serious.


Because if it were serious, this line...

Buy expensive sunglasses. Superficial? Yes, but so are the women judging you. And it tells these women you appreciate nice things and are responsible enough not to lose them.

... would say...

Buy sunglasses that fit properly and feel good, even if they're cheap. Afraid women will judge you for wearing cheap sunglasses? Stop caring about what they think.
The audience for this seems to be bankers - and it shows. Hence the thing about the expensive sunglasses.