The Union (Weed Documentary)


Aug 12, 2008
Great Britain

If you like documentaries I recommend you watch this. It's about prohibition and if it works, as well as giving a detailed insight into the production and sale of marijuana.
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Watched it a while ago,

I also recommend..
Marijuana Inc
BBC : Cannabis - The Evil Weed?

If you watch all three, no logical reason can be given for the criminalization/illegality of it.
Watched it a while ago,

I also recommend..
Marijuana Inc
BBC : Cannabis - The Evil Weed?

If you watch all three, no logical reason can be given for the criminalization/illegality of it.


I bet you it's illegal cuz the best shit isn't made in the US itself :D


But on a more serious note, its not that much different than getting buzzed from a beer, if they made it legal you would just have to use common sense, such as not get high while on the job the same way you wouldn't get drunk on the job (course I speak mainly about the 9-to-5 people, as I suspect most AM are high just to get shit done round here).

Course it would suck if they legalized it, but then still made it illegal for private growers of it in a non-certified/licensed location (ie: your back yard... or greenhouse on residential land), and restricted production to larger companies. (since its harder to tax someone growing it unknowingly)
watched it a while ago too... the exasperation of those who have been trying to see this nonsensical policy overturned was disappointing. i thought the most powerful response was from the growers who were saying they didn't was legalization - it would eliminate their profits.
watched it a while ago too... the exasperation of those who have been trying to see this nonsensical policy overturned was disappointing. i thought the most powerful response was from the growers who were saying they didn't was legalization - it would eliminate their profits.

Sounds like some of the growers just charge more for the risk and if it were legal, they'd actually have to compete with quality.
Great stuff. Healthcare and drug research solely to make money is bad enough but prisons run for profit... fuckin ridiculous.
Health care and drug research cost time and resources. It must be for profit. We've all seen how not for profit medicine works. People get less care, less choices and the costs end up higher than private care in the end anyway.

The problem isn't that it is for profit. The problem is that the special interests and lobbyists have a nice racket going with the government, where their industries are protected from outside competition, and the people are made fearful of shopping with anyone else through the force of law.

Prisons for profit have a conflicted incentive. They lobby the government to incarcerate more of the people who pay for the prison. And those institutions sell the labor of the inmates out to various industries for pennies on the dollar.

The issue is, no one should go to jail for a non-violent and victimless crime like dope smoking or prostitution.
Health care and drug research cost time and resources. It must be for profit. We've all seen how not for profit medicine works. People get less care, less choices and the costs end up higher than private care in the end anyway.

The problem isn't that it is for profit. The problem is that the special interests and lobbyists have a nice racket going with the government, where their industries are protected from outside competition, and the people are made fearful of shopping with anyone else through the force of law.

Prisons for profit have a conflicted incentive. They lobby the government to incarcerate more of the people who pay for the prison. And those institutions sell the labor of the inmates out to various industries for pennies on the dollar.

The issue is, no one should go to jail for a non-violent and victimless crime like dope smoking or prostitution.

Agree completely with your last statement. An addition to the moral, social and economic reasons, nearly all the time prison just doesn't work.

I'm gonna try to resist getting drawn into this debate but maybe I should have emphasised "solely".

While I'm happy to agree that the private sector can often be more efficient, and certainly drives research (although if governments gave medical research the sort of funding they give to the military it might be a different story), I can't see the difference between a prison company that needs to keep increasing the number of prisoners in order to succeed and the doctors and pharma working together to keep people taking those pills and the money rolling in.

It's also so fucking messed up that because of the need to satisfy their shareholders HMOs often find every excuse they can to refuse payment for treatment. Surely the way a person is treated shouldn't be dependent on whether he missed something off a form years ago or which pharma company rep the doc is friendliest with?

Once again it seems, if it was a true free market it might work... but like so much other shit, cannabis is controlled to distort things in favour of the vested interests and the dumb fuckers lap up the illusion of choice.
I think marijuana should be legal.

I don't personally enjoy using it, but I also don't believe the role of government should be to create and attempt to enforce laws which are not in the public's best interest and which create more problems then those they are intended to correct.
Now one of the more important reasons is to stop the insane mexican drug mafia from spreading any faster into the states.

If we supplied our own, we would safely and quickly put these fuckers out of business.
I think all drugs should be legal as a matter of basic human rights. I should be able to ingest any substance I want providing it's not effecting other people. Whether that would be helpful or harmful to society as a whole is another issue in my opinion, but I would say that it would be beneficial on the whole.
I think all drugs should be legal as a matter of basic human rights. I should be able to ingest any substance I want providing it's not effecting other people. Whether that would be helpful or harmful to society as a whole is another issue in my opinion, but I would say that it would be beneficial on the whole.

playing devils advocate, do you think a single parent to a newborn should legally be allowed to either produce or consume methamphetamine in their own home?
playing devils advocate, do you think a single parent to a newborn should legally be allowed to either produce or consume methamphetamine in their own home?

Whether they are single or the age of the child doesn't make any fucking difference. Neither does the drug, it's their actions that matter, not what they chose to use... alcohol is probably one of the worst ones for making shitty parents but should all parents be banned from drinking?
Whether they are single or the age of the child doesn't make any fucking difference. Neither does the drug, it's their actions that matter, not what they chose to use... alcohol is probably one of the worst ones for making shitty parents but should all parents be banned from drinking?

drugs are worse then alcohol...
anyone who thinks otherwise needs to open there eyes and actually talk to drug addicts.