The ultimate mindf**k! You survived the Apocalypse - now what?!


New member
Jan 21, 2011
Derren Brown created an illusion for a guy that the end of the world really happened.

Watch here:

P1 Derren Brown: Apocalypse Episode One - YouTube

(For some reason it's not embedding for me)

From the Mirror:
It had the premise of a Saw film - chilling, thrilling and at times, truly torturous.
The only initially apparent difference between the series of gruesome movies and Derren Brown's - Apocalypse was the pedantic showman didn't chillingly tell his victim, "I want to play a game."
Derren persuaded one man to believe the world had ended after a meteorite shower had crashed into the earth, leaving only a few survivors.
And most of the survivors had turned into infected zombies after a virus had spread through society and the world as we know it now was gone.
It's like Friends being cancelled on Channel Four all over again.
The case study (poor sod) who was chosen was a complacent twenty-something who took his life for granted.
His outlook was so bad that it wasn't a case of the glass being half-empty, it was whether there was even a glass there at all.
His own mother was brought to tears describing his emptiness and admitted the pain that there's no love between them anymore.
His mates joked about the time he cleaned ovens for Dominos Pizza, you could argue his world was already over.
But Derren's work is more than a mischievous sleight of hand trick or astonishing mind f**kery where he correctly guesses how many lives your cat has left - it's art.
He quoted Roman philosopher Seneca's ideology that the only way to appreciate what you've got is to vividly imagine losing it all. Your partner, your family, friends, house, car. Gone.
Try it yourself, it’s an utterly rubbish feeling and if there’s nothing else that will motivate you to wash your BMW, then hope is lost.
Derren described the subject of the experiment, Steven, as - "Stuck in a rut but lacks the motivation to do anything about it," and was about to experience loss in the biggest scale.
Steven woke up in what he believed was a treatment centre for healthy survivors after weeks of strategically placed and completely false news reports, radio broadcasts and television segments that planted the seed in his brain that the end was, er, nigh.
His phone was hacked (shouldn't there be some kind of enquiry into this?) to embed tweets and messages on the websites Steven visits to support the severity of what was about to happen.

Now there have been rumors going around that the guy was really an actor etc.. However, he responds to those rumors here: Derren Brown hits out at 'fake' Apocalypse rumours... as he posts video debunking conspiracy theories | Mail Online

All, in all - worth watching...

Who wants to survive the apocalypse? Who wants to strut around zombies and nuclear fallout? Why the fuck would anyone want to do that shit?

All these prepers make me sick. The fuck you gonna do in your basement squalor, eating canned beans for 12 months holding on to that one shitty gun you have "for protection"....against who?? Neighbors that want to take your beans?
Who wants to survive the apocalypse? Who wants to strut around zombies and nuclear fallout? Why the fuck would anyone want to do that shit?

All these prepers make me sick. The fuck you gonna do in your basement squalor, eating canned beans for 12 months holding on to that one shitty gun you have "for protection"....against who?? Neighbors that want to take your beans?

Ye because it's a lot better to just die and not even bother surviving. Not dying when something bad happens is for pussies right right?
Nothing against surviving. But trying to survive in a land riddled with nuclear fallout and degenerate zombies 4 the sake of surviving just aint my cup of t.
Nothing against surviving. But trying to survive in a land riddled with nuclear fallout and degenerate zombies 4 the sake of surviving just aint my cup of t.

You are the weakest link - good bye!

Yeah, its not the first show on the subject but its definitely worth watching. Great setup!
I really like Derren Brown's stuff. Hero at 30,000 feet was a similar premise, with a positive ending for the guy, but less dark. Can't wait for part 2 of this.

EDIT: Damn, if that profile's accurate, he lives really really close to me.
First episode was awesome.

So many people debating whether it's fake or not. If it's fake, I have to give the guy props because there were instances when he physically looked like he was just going to lose it - like when he was watching the emergency broadcast in the hospital.
Fake. Actor. Shit acting.

They werent even running full pelt when they were being chased by a gang of running zombies. Lololol. Fake beyond belief.

I really don't think it's fake. I think you just have to get over what you think counts as acting ordinary in an Apocalypse which we have all most likely gained from movies.

I think its genuinely interesting to see how someone acts when placed in an apocalypse real life situation.
I think i would at least sprint if being chased by what I thought were zombies. Not just jog along so as to make sure they stayed within the same camera angle lol
Fake. Actor. Shit acting.

They werent even running full pelt when they were being chased by a gang of running zombies. Lololol. Fake beyond belief.

Because she wasn't running full pelt, and if he had, she would've been sent flying.

What's the motive to fake it? Or are you saying all his shows are faked?
Derren Brown: The Experiments (The Gameshow) was the best one imo. Starting to wonder if the guy in The Gameshow was an actor though lol. It looks like this latest one is a big scam.
Derren Brown: The Experiments (The Gameshow) was the best one imo. Starting to wonder if the guy in The Gameshow was an actor though lol. It looks like this latest one is a big scam.
As above, unless you're saying Derren Brown's entire career is a lie, what's the motive to get an actor for this?

From what I can tell from reading his blog a fair bit, as well as his book, he's pretty opposed to using stooges, although is fine with misdirection to make you think one thing's happening, when in fact something else is (think the lottery one).

Also, a lot of people were saying the same thing when the Russian Roulette one was broadcast, i.e. they were all actors, it was a blank, there was no bullet, etc etc. I can definitely vouch that after watching that one 3 times, I spotted how he did it - it's very very simple. No actors, nothing, although I will say his selection process of 3k+ people, or whatever it was definitely helped. There's no way he could do it if he just picked a random person.
As above, unless you're saying Derren Brown's entire career is a lie, what's the motive to get an actor for this?

From what I can tell from reading his blog a fair bit, as well as his book, he's pretty opposed to using stooges, although is fine with misdirection to make you think one thing's happening, when in fact something else is (think the lottery one).

Also, a lot of people were saying the same thing when the Russian Roulette one was broadcast, i.e. they were all actors, it was a blank, there was no bullet, etc etc. I can definitely vouch that after watching that one 3 times, I spotted how he did it - it's very very simple. No actors, nothing, although I will say his selection process of 3k+ people, or whatever it was definitely helped. There's no way he could do it if he just picked a random person.

Still not sure mate. This has confused me more...
Derren Brown hits out at 'fake' Apocalypse rumours... as he posts video debunking conspiracy theories | Mail Online
I really like Derren Brown's stuff. Hero at 30,000 feet was a similar premise, with a positive ending for the guy, but less dark. Can't wait for part 2 of this.

EDIT: Damn, if that profile's accurate, he lives really really close to me.

Haha, I thought exactly the same as your edit when I saw him getting on the train in Gerrards Cross.
[ame=]Derren Brown - Apocalypse - Proof Victim Is NOT An Actor - YouTube[/ame]