The turd that was not mine

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Boobies make me happy
Jun 13, 2011
Palm Beach
I sometimes get out and piddle around and play poker on my CPU at a local 24 hour coffee shop. I go in there and hang out with the hippies and cute girls-O-plenty hanging out there.
So yesterday Im playing poker and studying games at my table when suddenly I have to piss. The coffeshop has 2 unisex bathrooms so you can go in either

So I pick a bathroom and go in and lock the door. Once inside I stand up to the shitter and one of the BIGGEST turds I have ever seen was left by another. I tried to flush it but the toilet was broke
And by this point I was gonna piss my pants so I chose to piss in the sink
There was no way I was going to disurb that massive log with my piss stream, and end up puking more than likely
So after I pissed in the sink, I opened the door and a hot little college type girl was waiting for me to come out and she went in as I walked past her
I sat back down at my table and I knew that girl saw the monster in the only toilet and assumed I did it, :1zhelp:

Then she sits back down at the table with her 3 other friends which was f*cking right next to mine. She sits down and whispers a few things, then all four girls were laughing and from body language I could tell she just said something gross.
Now the table was completely ignoring me as compared to before the :conehead: log sighting. I almost had a George Costanza moment and walked up to the table to state "hey by the way I did not do that in the bathroom back there" or something to that effect. But only a crazyman would walk up and use a huge turd (the same turd I knew I got blamed for)
But decided to just sit there and be pissed off in my head and not be the guy coming up to a table of women breaking the ice with how did that turd get in there?
Usually when I date women they are unaware of when I shit
So this was comical to me cause if the monster shocked me, it had to of blown her away. To those girls I am just a nasty shitter

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