The site is done!!

I have beeb WAITING AND WAITING for you to finish
I don't think I could have stood another day of suspense!
You saved my life!!

Dammit! A mod changed the URL before I could see how great it was. Please PM me all of your affiliate links!
Dammit! A mod changed the URL before I could see how great it was. Please PM me all of your affiliate links!

Hello friend,

You miss out. Remember when see very first affiliate conversion and you so happy?

When see site it feel just like but even better.

Good luck bro

The recognition by an animal body of the electrical condition of external objects.

Have your shit proofread.
ok here's the one thing I'm confused about (ONE THING???) didn't someone else already talk about this site a few weeks ago? Wasn't it Rgordon, I think his name is?( I'm just guessing because narsticle changed the link so I can't see what site you are talking about.) So why are two different people talking about the same site?