The right way to use iPad!


New member
Jun 24, 2006
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Truly brilliant!

I can see artists around the world, getting the chair on the street and doing portraits of people for moneys. And after finishing, instead of giving canvas to the client, emailing him high resolution pic.

Good biz idea :D

iPad mini arcade! ThinkGeek :: iCade - iPad Arcade Cabinet

I can see artists around the world, getting the chair on the street and doing portraits of people for moneys. And after finishing, instead of giving canvas to the client, emailing him high resolution pic.

Good biz idea :D

Pretty cool, but no street artist (or consumer/tourist) is going to sit for 3 hours on the street for that.
Pretty cool, but no street artist (or consumer/tourist) is going to sit for 3 hours on the street for that.

They could take the picture of the person first, then use a "portrait" filter after waving their hands around for 5-10 minutes to make it look like they are doing something. Quick $50.
They could take the picture of the person first, then use a "portrait" filter after waving their hands around for 5-10 minutes to make it look like they are doing something. Quick $50.

Not unless nobody can see the screen... People tend to watch the artist working, not the person sitting in the chair.