The real version of the most interesting man alive


New member
Nov 11, 2009
was hanging with a friend for the fourth yesterday and we started talking crazy science stuff and he started talking about one of his dad's business partners. This dude is the real version of the dos equis most interesting man in the world!

Craig Venter


- decided he wanted to crack the human genome so got his team together and did it by themselves and finished at the same time as the human genome project
- challenged himself to find more species than anyone else so drew a line around a globe, hired a team, set sail, came back with more life discoveries than anyone in history
- enjoys sailing his 95ft sailboat through full force gales
- races motorcycles to come up with new science projects
- decided he wanted to get his God on and became the first person to synthesis life from the ground up.
- is now creating bugs in his lab to do things like drink water and piss out gasoline, ingest toxic chemicals and turn it into oxygen, drink oil spills and piss out ocean water, and much more.

Wow, when he released the human genome, he also released it as public domain - even though his funding was from the private sector.
Does he have inside jokes with complete strangers?

Or mosquitoes don't bite him out of respect?


- is now creating bugs in his lab to do things like drink water and piss out gasoline, ingest toxic chemicals and turn it into oxygen, drink oil spills and piss out ocean water, and much more.

Soon the answer will be yes.
So the lesson is you can either get off wicked fire and go do cool shit with your life, or you can spend all your time on wicked fire and read about all the cool shit everyone else does with their lives.
I'm not saying I'd suck his cock.....I'll just use a different phrase to say the exact same thing - I'd slob on his knob.
I find the comments are more amusing then the article:

This guy sounds like he has tuned in to the holy spirit. Let's just pray that his designs and inventions follow the path of the Lord Jesus.

Yes, let us pray.