The Real Survival Thread


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Youve read the other thread. You procrastinated. Fast forward a couple years. Now its happened. America got struck by some disaster. Heres how you could have prepared:

1. General

Stuff applying to all kinds of scenarios and probably even now.

1.1 Medicine

There are lots of conditions you dont even know exist because they are being taken care of behind the scenes

1.1.1 Vaccines Tetanus/Diphteria

Remember the shots you took as a child? Some of them were permanent. Some need to be refreshed every once in a while. Among those are Tetanus and Diphteria. Ugly diseases that just wait for you to be caught off guard.

Both vaccines are effective for about 10 years. That means that if you are 20+, its very likely that you need to take another shot. Discuss it with your doctor. Hepatitis

If youre 30+, its likely that you never received Hepatitis A/B shots. I got mine when I was 10. Discuss it with your doctor.

They are working on a way to prevent Hepatitis C at the moment. Might be approved for widespread use within a couple years. Influenza

Influenza is a joke when youre healthy. Should you, however, suffer from malnutrition, it might get more serious. Ive never taken an influenza shot and never will, but its up to you. You should know that it might not be such a bad idea.

1.1.2 Bacterial Infections

You might think that doctors are magicians, but most of them are fuckin stupid. They receive 8 years of training but thats only because they cover ALL the bases. When you catch some bacterial infection, all they do is throw antibiotics at it. They might be able to do that slightly more effectively than you will be able to, but the general approach is the same.

Acquire a form of broadband antibiotics. You wont be able to walk into a drugstore and ask for this directly due to restrictive pharmaceutical legislation, but the guy you buy your weed from will be able to hook you up.

1.1.3 Parasites

Messy, ugly, disgusting pieces of shit. Evade them. Even if you survive it your body wont look pretty.

1.1.4 Viral diseases

Only way to prevent em is to take your vaccination seriously. If you manage to catch some, all you can do is sit it out, which most likely means death if you dont have access to modern health care.

1.1.5 Gangrene, other kinds of non microbiological issues Preventative measures

If you manage to cut your skin, you need to clean it. You can do that with clean water, but if the situation calls for you to treat your wounds yourself, you wont have clean water. A better option is disinfection - an antisepticum. You will have most likely never used it but its important to have. Can be acquired at the drug store for cheap. If you want to be serious about survivalism, this is the most important item of all.

Once the wound is cleaned, you need to close it. Ive seen someone in that other thread recommend being able to sew wounds. Thats a nice skill to have, but you should know that sewing a wound hurts a bit. Or a lot, depending on your pain tolerance level. And you need a sterile material that you can use for the sewing, which you will most likely not have access to.

A better option is liquid band-aid. I dont know its name in english, but its band-aid that you can spray. Will be sterile as long as you keep the bottle somewhat clean. With those two items, treating a superficial wound becomes a two step process. Spray some antiseptic, after that, spray some liquid band-aid. Done. Will burn a lot but works. Get rid of the septic limb

Should you have managed to develop some form of sepsis, the only way to treat it is to cut it off. Even modern medicine cant heal a rotten limb.

This is a very messy process. If you fuck up, youll die. Even if you dont fuck up, you can cause an emboly - you will, again, die. Better have some morphine ready and let someone else do the job.

After its cut off, youll need to close the wound fast, or youll lose too much blood. That most likely means that youll have to cauterize it, which sounds cooler than it is (google it).

I hope you are now convinced that yu dnt want to go there. Get your antiseptics.

1.1.6 Deep wounds/Man made wounds

These are all most likely fatal. Just stay the fuck away. Bullet wounds

Taking a small caliber bullet might be less dangerous than you think. A bullet leaving the gun will be so hot its practically sterile. If you arent trained to remove bullets/dont have access to hospital grade sterile facilities, its best to leave the bullet in. If you get hit by a rifle, nobody will be able to do much for you anyway. It looks a lot more messy in real life than in the movies. Stabwounds/Impalements/all things pointy/sharp

The body contains a couple major arteries. These are located in the belly, the neck, the armpit, the insides of the arms and legs. If you nick those, all a medical professional can do for you is help you survive the 10 minutes it takes til you arrive at the hospital. You cant close those wounds yourself, its game over.

If you take a knife to the aorta, you lose consciousness within a couple seconds and bleed out within a minute. If at all possible, leave the knife in the wound. You might be lucky and it closes all the wounds its caused til removed.

If you take a knife to the torso, it is very unlikely that you dont have some major vital or non vital organ. This will lead to organ failure and/or sepsis and sooner or later death. Horrible painful death btw.

1.1.7 Conclusion

That was medicine in a nutshell. Its way more complicated than that, but all the difficult stuff is not actionable anyway. Get a combat medics manual if you feel ambitious, but its more likely that your SEO hardened stomach would just evacuate itself into the wound youre trying to treat.

1.2 Nutrition

1.2.1 Calories Carbs

Carbs are stored in muscles for short term energy consumption. Your brain needs a small amount to function correctly. Daily need: 30-100gram minimum. Protein

Nitrogenium molecules regulate muscle growth/atrophy. As long as you dont want to enter bodybuilding competitions, you need nowhere near the 2.2gram per pound of bodyweight lifestyle magazines bullshit you with. As long as you dont go completely without protein, youll maintain your functional muscle mass. Fats

Can be metabolized from carbs. There are a couple essential fats but you only need traces of those. Not important plus youll receive plenty from regular meat consumption. Canned Beans

Beans are the rare veggie that contain sufficient amounts of both carbs and proteins. They got some starches. From a purely digestive point of view, you could live off canned beans forever.

1.2.2 Vitamins/Minerals Scorbut

The sailors disease. Caused by vitamin c deficiency. Will make you miserable for a while. After that, youll just die. Multivitamin

There are vitamin pills that contain all essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. You can get a 5 year supply for less than 200 bucks.

If you cant cook/enjoy the fast food too much, do your body a favor and start taking those pills right now. Youll feel more energetic and will need to see the doctor less often. So even if you dont give a shit about your body, it will probably be a good investment.

1.2.3 Diet powders

There are diet powders that contain all the essential nutrients. They come in all kinds of flavors and arent expensive. Usually sold in drug stores. You might want to acquire some of these. Stores well and feeds your body everything it needs forever.

1.3 Shelter - or how to keep yourself warm

Its all about insulation

1.3.1 In the wild

Take two big garbage bags. Wander around. Fill one of the bags with all kinds of branches. You will especially need 2 larger more or less Y shaped branches. Fill the other one with everything organic you can find. Grass, leaves, mud. No stones.

Take your 2 Y shaped branches. Stick them in the soil so that the Y shape sticks out. Angle them towards each other so that the tops meet. Build a spherical net around it with your branches. When youre done, toss the debris on top. Youll end up with a very basic tent. The more crap you put on top, the better. If it doesnt hold together, apply some wet mud. Fill your shelter with the leftover debris. Roll around in it to compress it. Fill it again. Repeat this step til you think youve done enough. Then do it three times over. When your bag is empty, fill it a second time. Stuff your clothes with all the stuff. Crawl inside. Use the garbage bag filled with debris as a door.

You can survive temperatures well below the freezing point doing this. The biggest problem youll run into is that everythings snowy and you wont find stuff to build from.


Just brake into some unoccupied house? Other than that, same tactics apply. A more readily available equally useable material in this case might be paper.

1.4 Water

The human body loses about half a gallon water a day sweating. Significantly more if its hot. That means youll have to refill all the time. If you dont drink for 3 days, youll have lost more than 10% of your bodies liquids.

Fortunately, theres an easy way to clean water. Youll need 2 containers for this. Maybe a 5 liter container and a bottle/glass.

Cut the top off the big container. Fill the dirty water in the big container. Place the small container in the middle of the bigger one. Take a plastic bag, for example, and close the big container with it. Pull it tight. Physics make sure that the lowest point of the plastic bag will be above the smaller container. Put it in the sun. The water will vaporize and condense on the plastic bag. It will then run down to the center and drop back the bottle, leaving all dirt in the bigger container.

You can use this for urine, salt water and muddy water. Doesnt apply to industrially polluted water. In that case, youll probably need some kind of filter.

1.5 Food

Ill focus on animals here. You probably know how to prepare veggies/fruit.

Fortunately, the biology of mammals/poultry is pretty much the same, and you can eat all of them. It doesnt matter whether you catch them alive or hunt them with guns, in the latter case, you just have to make sure to focus on headshots, because splattering intestines through the body is a bit less than ideal.

You will need a sharp knife for this. One that makes precise cuts, otherwise youll just produce one big mess and not much to eat.

You begin by cutting through the neck, particularly the spine. Push your knife through the spine from one side to the other. Cut toward the front, severing the big arteries. Hang the animal by the back legs in order to let it bleed out. Continue cutting the head off.

Cut from the ribcage all the way to the pubic bone, along the belly muscles (the sixpack).

Locate the stomach. This shouldnt be hard. Its connected to the neck. Connected to the stomach is the intestine. Squeeze out the animals shit.

Remove the gall bladder. Squeeze the valve that connects it to the body above the point where you cut it, so that you dont mess with the urine.

Remove the liver, kidneys, lungs. Cut out the stomach and intestines in one piece. Throw all that stuff away. Some of it is edible but you wont be able to prepare it properly.

We havent talked about the heart yet, right? Thats one big pile of muscle, and its edible. Some of the tastiest meat you can get your hands on, if you allow yourself to eat it. If not, just throw it away.

Harvest all the muscle you can find. If you dont know how to, consult an anatomy chart of a human. One of those skeletons. Mammals all look pretty much the same, just different proportions.

You might be tempted to prepare some tenderloin. Two problems with that:

1. You dont know which the tender muscles are.

2. You want to prepare all this meat well done, because its of questionable origin. Just do stews. Add some of your precious beans and spices. Most of the taste of a meal comes from spices. If you dont believe me, buy a couple frozen veggies and just cook em. Dont even add salt. Itll taste so shitty youll almost puke.

This applies to animals of all sizes. A cow might feed you for a month or two. A chicken lasts half a week. You can even eat rats. Just make sure to cook everything well.

Took me almost two hours to compile this. Next up is a short course in physics. After that well visit specific scenarios in which survival skills might be important. See you tomorrow.
Youve read the other thread. You procrastinated. Fast forward a couple years. Now its happened. America got struck by some disaster. Heres how you could have prepared:

1. General

Stuff applying to all kinds of scenarios and probably even now.

1.1 Medicine

There are lots of conditions you dont even know exist because they are being taken care of behind the scenes



Just brake into some unoccupied house? Other than that, same tactics apply. A more readily available equally useable material in this case might be paper.

Some good info. Other than simple cuts and abrasions you're more likely to need to treat for intestinal issues, shock, frostbite, heat related, dehydration, blisters, blunt trauma and heart attack.

If you're on the move this method will be slow. If you want to be prepared you're going to want a filter or purifier.
Some good info. Other than simple cuts and abrasions you're more likely to need to treat for intestinal issues, shock, frostbite, heat related, dehydration, blisters, blunt trauma and heart attack.

If you're on the move this method will be slow. If you want to be prepared you're going to want a filter or purifier.

I dont need to give advice on modern equipment. Its expensive and comes with a manual. Probably needs electricity. You can figure out how to use that on your own.
Go to Thailand etc and problem solved, why do imers who has more flexibility waste time on survival prep

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Did you happen to be here in Thailand during the floods last year? Even where I live which is well away from the flooding there were some shortages due to factories being flooded and distribution disrupted. Many people in the flooded areas were seriously screwed and dependent completely on rescuers getting to them in boats to give them drinking water. Moving here makes many things easier but it isn't the complete answer. You still need to prepare.
Cut the top off the big container. Fill the dirty water in the big container. Place the small container in the middle of the bigger one. Take a plastic bag, for example, and close the big container with it. Pull it tight. Physics make sure that the lowest point of the plastic bag will be above the smaller container. Put it in the sun. The water will vaporize and condense on the plastic bag. It will then run down to the center and drop back the bottle, leaving all dirt in the bigger container.

Brilliant! Can you tell us more of your super secret tips?

And if you get lost find yourself here,
Did you happen to be here in Thailand during the floods last year? Even where I live which is well away from the flooding there were some shortages due to factories being flooded and distribution disrupted. Many people in the flooded areas were seriously screwed and dependent completely on rescuers getting to them in boats to give them drinking water. Moving here makes many things easier but it isn't the complete answer. You still need to prepare.

No I wasn't because I was in another asian country. But I think I see your point of being prepared.

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