The Real Secret To Making Millions Isn't What You Think...

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New member
Sep 20, 2008
Lacey, WA
I have read many of the posts on this forum...and have gotten much value out of reading them.

Everyone new to WF should take that first step (reading most of the posts first) before they ask a single question.

Now, on to my first contribution to this forum
(please be gentle :xmas-smiley-016: )

Many come to the internet marketing with one goal in make money using the internet (duh).

So, they create some product, or market someone else's product with whatever knowledge and skills they possess and/or can acquire by participating in AWESOME forums like Wickedfire.

I am writing to tell you that ISN'T the easiest way to make your millions.

Affiliate marketing, marketing some other product or service on the internet, etc...are businesses. I am sorry to tell you that the sales letter you may have read before trying to earn your first dollar know, the one that said you could make your millions on total autopilot...

That sales letter was totally wrong.

Anyone who makes tons of money, does have to work at it...even if they work hard at creating leveraged systems to do SOME of the work for them...there's still work involved.

But that's not the secret I am going to reveal...

The secret to making millions...

You see, it's not using the internet to sell your product or service that is the secret...nor is marketing other people's products via affiliate marketing...nor is it being a consumer of all those garbage ebooks hoping to find some magic button that will unlock the whole mystery of making money without

The secret to making millions in business is (drumroll please)...

Creating an environment where buyers and sellers come together and finish selling transactions or contribute content in some form.

My two primary examples of the successful application of this secret are the large online powerhouses Ebay, and Amazon...there are more...but those are the most popular.

Ponder this...all Amazon does is provide the environment for people to create content, sell stuff, meet buyers, discuss business etc...and on top of that it even participates in its own environment by selling books etc...and delivering them (heck, they even sell groceries to some places now).

Ebay is much the same...simply collecting fees and creating the rules under which people auction and sell goods and services to consumers.

Both companies really don't HAVE to drive traffic to their businesses that traffic is created by the environment itself...and the fees and commissions they earn are on TOTAL autopilot.

They both have dispute resolution to help smooth out their businesses...but really...when you consider the grand scheme of things those are minor contributions.

You might be wondering how to build an Amazon, or an Ebay...

You don't have to build something that large (if you don't want to).

But, here's just one of many possibilities that you can start creating to this end...that will help you create your own money making environment.

Start with a the beginning you start writing useful blog posts...submit that blog to directories etc...all the traffic generation methods...etc...etc...

Then, start to look for guest authors...and build a network of guest authors regularly submitting content to your blog, within your niche...(I am sure there are content software options that can do this with Wordpress too, I only have so much space I am going to take up though)...once you have traffic, and continually building content...start selling advertising space at a monthly premium.

A tip about initial advertising, sell it dirt cheap to an initial couple of advertisers, allowing those advertisers the opportunity to keep that "cheap" advertising flowing so long as they pay you month after month.

Then, get referrals from your advertisers...or fill up the remaining spaces your regular rates...until your traffic justifies price increases.

Keep it up, and keep building that content machine automatically. :)

The guest authors obviously get the benefit of free exposure...and you can list them in your blog's sidebar. Plus, you can allow the authors to be able to carry conversations within their parts of the blog. Even more can allow them an affiliate link of their own...or a product link of their make money (while you collect a commission on sales for providing the environment).

You can even go so far as what does and let each blogger have their own "website" within your much bigger site...when the time is right.

This is only part of a much bigger idea...but I wanted to make it easy to you can get excited and creative as you build your automatic business :)

And...there are many different ways to "bring buyers and sellers together" to make your millions other than the blog idea.

We can list them here if you want to contribute...

Thanks for reading!

Not to poke holes in your theory, but:

1) Those businesses have 1st mover advantage. They have the vast majority of the pie because they got into the market first. Which leaves crumbs for the rest of us that can't identify new markets... And there are VERY few new markets to be had in sales nowadays.

2) Amazon didn't even make a profit until nearly 2003.

3) A blog is not an environment that brings buyers and sellers together. It an environment where people absorb some kind of information.

4) If site promotion and climbing in SERP rank were as easy as all that, everyone would be #1 for everything all the time and Google would crash due to recursive errors.

You want to bring buyers and sellers together, go to AliBaba...
Want some tips? Shut up, and create a niche community on ning or elgg. Instead of all this theoretical ton of crap, you will find yourself having an ounce of wisdom.
Not to burst your bubble, but you shouldn't be reading anything outside of the "Newbie Forum" if this isn't common knowledge to you.
Not to poke holes in your theory, but:

1) Those businesses have 1st mover advantage. They have the vast majority of the pie because they got into the market first. Which leaves crumbs for the rest of us that can't identify new markets... And there are VERY few new markets to be had in sales nowadays.

2) Amazon didn't even make a profit until nearly 2003.

3) A blog is not an environment that brings buyers and sellers together. It an environment where people absorb some kind of information.

4) If site promotion and climbing in SERP rank were as easy as all that, everyone would be #1 for everything all the time and Google would crash due to recursive errors.

You want to bring buyers and sellers together, go to AliBaba...


You're right about the blog idea...glowleaf's idea about the social community is much better.

I will edit my post to remove that. I appreciate the feedback.
So your advice is to create the next amazon or ebay? I think most of us have a .001 percent chance of that happening even under the best circumstances.
I never trust a person who uses their first and last name on a forum. Just reeks of Warrior Forum Scum Bagism.
Wait, so you're saying that I can make the online monies with a blog, and I thought selling shamwows and fleshlights was the way to go
I am a little confused here. You talk about starting an e-commerce or auction site like Ebay and Amazon and then jump into starting a blog. WFT mate?
Right, just to be sure I have this straight...

Don't push affiliate offers, don't build a business, but do build a multibillion dollar business based on just one of many types of proven and well known business models, by bringing together buyers and sellers, by letting them do the marketing for you, by starting a blog and doing all the marketing yourself, to build up enough traffic so that you can push...affiliate offers.

posters who write a lot of text should start posting some cliffs at the end of their posts for lazy readers like me.
Supply and demand, Theres plenty of supply of areas to buy and sell now, unless you can come up with an in demand niche where the supply is non existent or low. Instead of an ebay or amazon... A forum is always good, if it is original and you are patient enough to see the product through.

The real 'secret' or whatever you want to call it is... well there is none. The formula i live by is:

Targeted traffic + targetted product = $$$

If your advertising adult friend finder for example, go to myspace, or any other social network, preferably one that isnt saturated with e-whores lol. Then NETWORK with people, actually talk to them, become their friend. Then introduce them to adult friend finder. They sign up, you get paid, they get to hang out with you there, its allll good.

And yes, i do some e-whoring, sue me :p
I don't know. I have always heard that the secret to making money is to buy things and then sell them for more than what you paid. You can increase your earnings by either :

a.) increasing sales
b.) increasing prices

Either way, you come out on top.
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