The Real Reason For Bail out.. Is it all coming together now?

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May 3, 2008
YouTube - **FLASH** The REAL REASON For The Bailout (Hint: FOREIGNERS)

First our economy "collapsing", fear mongering pushed the bill through saying the economy would turn to shit if it din't go through...

and now we find out is not for us?

People finding out about it and getting really pissed...

government was training soldiers for first martial law missions...

I don't wanna sound like one of those conspiracy nut jobs but they are actually making a lot of sense right now. WTF is going on? Is America about to erupt into total shit?

Oooh, a guy in a suit with a video camera. I'm convinced.

(Hint: This was found to be inaccurate on digg yesterday)

Yesterday's Digg? I'm not going to go digging through their archives.
Well, if you're going to debunk, and not provide a source, perhaps you could provide the argument?

Because the Congressman clearly said it on network TV. That the bill would be recommended (by Paulson) for a veto if there were provisions to limit the acquisition of foreign debt. Seems pretty cut and dried to me, unless the argument is that the Congressman lied.
Oooh, a guy in a suit with a video camera. I'm convinced.

(Hint: This was found to be inaccurate on digg yesterday)

It doesn't matter who he is the point is hes right. but he is a CEO of a company is what everyone is saying.

but thats besides the point, ron paul has always talked about this and it really wasn't a secret its just that they lied about what the bailout would be used for.. if you think thats the first time the government has lied to you then i dunno what to tell you.
I agree. I don't know if the US media reported the run on AIG offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Philippines. People were cashing out their policies. I fully believe that this was done to placate the people in other parts of the world.

Just something to think about....the largest shareholder of Citigroup paid Obama's law school education.
Well I don't see how the fuck they could force it through. The government is suppose to represent the people, not be bought out.

America, your left with a government who is for the corporations and self greed, not the people.

Sorry. I could not get past the comb over!:D


Seriously. How could two presidential candidates against earmarks vote for such a pork - laden bill. 48 million to Hollywood. Huh? Billions in earmarks in Senate's bailout bill

These earmarks were discreetly tucked into the bill and all the politicians that voted yes are suposed to be "smart" individuals. Gentleman, I thinK it is high time that "We the People" kick some butts out of Washington!
The earmarks in this plan were placed to "buy" the votes of those that were against the bill. Yea it's about time we use the powers that the second ammendment gave us to take care of this shit.
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