The Power of Facebook Ads


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Still on Earth

Just Want to Share

This is my way to promote my affiliate program, well, this kind of way need some money, but we know that if we do this right, this kind of Affiliate Strategy will give really big money for us, without make us busy creating content, do SEO, doing link building, or much things.

Actually I am a lazy blogger, yes I know how to create quality content, and yes I know too how to do SEO, create link building, use software, and much other complicated things, but I am quite lazy to do that.

I just invest my money into incentive traffic like this one, my favorite is Facebook Ads, why ?
1. Most people (don't care where they are), really love spending their time in facebook.
2. Facebook still the biggest Social Media
3. We could use high targeted market for our affiliate program, that means better convert rate, means too great R.O.I (Return on Investment)
4. Sometimes, if you know how to do that, we pay low prices and get really much traffic

So, here is how I do that (in facebook ads account, remember, I create one facebook ads account for one affiliate product)

1. Create facebook fanpage related with my affiliate products
2. Create website for landing pages, or just make the sales pages become your landing pages, so you don't need to create this (sometimes I make, if the products need to be review by me, but remember, don't make bad landing pages, or they will running before they see sales pages)
3. Places websites as official website in fanpages, places URL in "about" section, and places cover pages with your website landing pages URL.
4. Promote your fanpages with facebook ads

Let's see the convertion of your traffic into buyer, do some change if needed.
And remember, the people that already inside your fanpages, they are your LIST of costumer, remember, Money is In The LIST, another time you could offer them another related products.

And, ehm, I have some secrets for you, there is a legal way to get cheap traffic from Facebook ads, that's with facebook ads voucher.
PM me if you are interested with facebook ads voucher.


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