The perfect computing device is .. .


New member
May 11, 2007
the iPad 2. Small, light, great resolution, and I mean great.

For light computing, keeping lists, checking and answering email, browsing, stretch applications out there for functionality, great form factor that goes anywhere with you, super battery life, and yes, . . . the apple experience.

Wife bought one for me for my birthday and I haven't looked back in a week. Picked up the apple bluetooth keyboard to go with it. Am not sold on the smart cover, but got a nice leather folio.

As I make my way throughout the day, the instant on and instant great internet experience are with me - super device. Apple should sell 10 million more of these easy . . buy stock. These are the computers that everyone will have in 20 years - small, light, always on, and tailored to the individual by way of small applications. And oh yes, the cloud stuff is also amazing. Great consumer computing experience, which makes up 99.9% of the market - wicked fire geeks need not apply!

JMHO - enjoy and discuss!

It hasn't and won't replace my laptop, or desktop, but I love it for traveling, reading books and casual internet surfing.

If you do much RDP get Jump.

Mine either . . just a great device to wander around with.

Will check out jump - thanks!
I have a desktop but my iPad rocks! If you guys do any coding get codesaurus.
For any kind of real work I need a mouse and a physical keyboard.
I'm just too slow and clunky on an iPad.

Good for web browsing/viewing media.
For any kind of real work I need a mouse and a physical keyboard.
I'm just too slow and clunky on an iPad.

Good for web browsing/viewing media.

Agree, which is why I picked up the keyboard... Dunno about coding on the thing but could see ssh or remote desktop use
the iPad 2. Small, light, great resolution, and I mean great.

For light computing, keeping lists, checking and answering email, browsing, stretch applications out there for functionality, great form factor that goes anywhere with you, super battery life, and yes, . . . the apple experience.

Wife bought one for me for my birthday and I haven't looked back in a week. Picked up the apple bluetooth keyboard to go with it. Am not sold on the smart cover, but got a nice leather folio.

As I make my way throughout the day, the instant on and instant great internet experience are with me - super device. Apple should sell 10 million more of these easy . . buy stock. These are the computers that everyone will have in 20 years - small, light, always on, and tailored to the individual by way of small applications. And oh yes, the cloud stuff is also amazing. Great consumer computing experience, which makes up 99.9% of the market - wicked fire geeks need not apply!

JMHO - enjoy and discuss!
Galaxy 10.1. Exactly the same, but with an operating system that let's you actually do the things you need to.
I'm okay with Apple products for my phone because my phone is to take calls. The minute the device in question is one that is intended for actual work or processing...iOS is no longer an option.

I am not a child, I don't need a child proof operating system.
iOS kind of has lost it's luster on me. iPhone's look old, same with the iPad. Hardware is still good, and there are a many more apps that are well polished, but cost too much for me when there are many cheaper equivalents.

As long as I can ssh into my server and have a bluetooth keyboard, I am good working from just about any tablet.

Personally, I'm waiting to see what MS has got going on, they have been cooking for too long. Rolling out a MetroUI'ish update to Xbox360 to get everyone used to it before Win8 was a great idea.

My main gripe with a lot of the 7in segment is they keep fucking with vanilla Android. Going to get a 7in sometime soon, and then probably an Android tablet later to replace my touchpad if Win8 doesn't do to well.