The oil spill from a coastal resident's perspective- shocking, sickening.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
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wtf can we do about it? Something is bothering me a lot lately... I feel like I'm getting ready to start my family straight into the launch of a new world that I wouldn't wish anyone to be part of

Skipped around a bit on it though.

She sounds like someone who would buy Acai Berries.....:D
Those mother fuckers. What the fuck is a media blackout. I didn't even think about it, but she's right, I haven't seen any of the local residents on national news by the coast etc giving their accounts. Its just LA politicians yellin about the situation. This video fucked me up. 100's of thousands of birds dying like that, that must have been a horrific experience, and I'm not saying that because I'm some PITA lover. Holy fuck, thanks for posting, not feeling good but something everyone should see.
Scientists are finding dissolved oil now in the keys when they test water. This shit will probably effect most of the gulf and Atlantic, maybe even the Pacific. But I think the way the gulf stream flows takes it away form the Pacific but I'm not positive.

Scientists are finding dissolved oil now in the keys when they test water. This shit will probably effect most of the gulf and Atlantic, maybe even the Pacific. But I think the way the gulf stream flows takes it away form the Pacific but I'm not positive.

neckbeard is rubbing off on you
Time to demand from the black projects the energy of the future, time to get what we paid for with our trillions of tax dollars over the past 60 years. National Security is a joke at this point, border is now wide open to the real terrorists they have created in these resource wars.

It is very clear that this government can do nothing to protect the people. The Mexican border is wide open, Mexicans are the least of our worries now.Through the border will come the men of the Middle East looking for revenge(They are already coming in droves, they call them OTMs(Other than mexicans). And what are we doing at the border now, telling people to stay away from our own border because it is too dangerous??!!! Don't you have to protect our border as the President, isn't that the law?

Ask the EPA to stop spraying Corexit, and what does BP say? "No fucking way, we make money poisoning your air and water, this stuff is illegal in other countries we aren't going to warehouse it, or try it mix it into your personal care products over time, we are going to dump it by the millions of gallons right into your water and threaten your entire food supply."

Decentralization of power is needed now, we need small scale nuclear in every state. Nuscale energy is the closest I have seen and they won't be ready until 2018. We need to take this energy and push it fast and hard.

Offshore drilling is the least of our worries, America is under threat from hydraulic fracturing of natural gas shales that are just now profitable. In this process you take upwards of 1 million gallons of fresh water and fire it miles into the ground to crack rock to free gas. This water is mixed with many carcinogens and is pulling radiation from the rock as well. This water is turned to death upon extraction. Cleaning it is extremely expensive, and rarely done. Most of the time it is diluted into streams, rivers ,and swamps.

Pennsylvania and New York state are under one of the largest Shales in America and this stand to threaten billions of gallons of fresh water. We are creating uninhabitable zones in this country at an accelerated rate. Demand the the black project energy now and push nuclear fast and hard.
This plus the natural gas industry (see Gasland) is what's wrong with our government.

The powerful keep on powering.
LoL what? Holy shit you are dumb son.

neckbeard is rubbing off on you

Uh, it was on CNN. Scientists have found oil in the water in the keys. It was tiny oil particles broken up from the dispersant they used.

Here's a picture of the gulf stream and how it flows:


So if the shit is already made it to the keys, what would be the next logical place for it to go? The Atlantic, correct? Around the tip of Florida into the Atlantic.

So please, tell me how what I said was dumb.
LoL what? Holy shit you are dumb son.

Slick, stop being fucking butthurt from the soccer thread, it's not that big a deal.

NEW YORK, NY June 22, 2010 —There are more than 2,000 miles of coastline between New York City and the Gulf of Mexico. But the Gulf Stream currents link the two regions and have scientists watching the water closely, looking for signs that the oil spewing from the sunken rig off of Louisiana may make its way up the Eastern seaboard.
David Biello is an editor at Scientific American and covers energy and the environment. He speaks to WNYC’s Soterios Johnson.

What's the state of the spill now -- how has it spread?

Right now it remains trapped in the Gulf of Mexico. One of the ocean currents in question is helping us, actually, by forming an eddy that's keeping it swirling around the Gulf of Mexico.

What would have to happen for the oil to make its way around Florida and up the East coast -- how would the oil be carried?

The oil is starting to enter what's called the "loop current," a warm water current that loops around the Gulf, carries it along the West Coast of Florida down through the Florida straight between Cuba and the Florida Keys and then connects up with the Gulf Stream and shoots up the East Coast.

How likely is something like that to happen?

Certainly as soon as this eddy stops and if the weather is favorable it will enter the loop current about eight to 10 days after that it will be down in the Florida Keys and then months to weeks after that it will be up the East Coast and off to Europe.

And how do those currents work?

Basically, the sun warms the ocean's waters and it forms these currents that are drawn to colder regions of the earth. Ultimately, these currents terminate in the Arctic or the Antarctic where they then sink back down and the oil will have a nice long cold trip along the sea floor.

Earlier this week WNYC's Brian Lehrer spoke with Magdalena Padilla with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection about anticipating the spread of this slick. She says if it does come this far, it won't be until the Fall, and that it'll be coming north to south. Can you explain why this is?

Basically, the oil is going to take a long time to move all this way, all throughout that trip it will be degrading, so by the time it got here, if it got here, we wouldn't even be able to see it. The only way for it to get here, because these currents drift off to Europe and up to the Arctic, is if the weather changes. As in all things, it's all about the weather. If the winds shift it could blow some oil in our direction.

You cover the community of scientists in this region. What's the buzz in that community?

The buzz is this is one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S. history and it's likely to have impacts that will last not just for weeks or months into the Fall, but years or even decades. After all, the Exxon Valdez, which was more than 20 years ago, there is still oil in Prince William Sound.

If some amount of oil does make it up to our region, how will we know it's here? What would it look like?

It wouldn't look like anything, it's basically diluted into the water. The water would look exactly the same. The only way to find it would be through chemical testing. Now, there would also be what are known as tar balls -- there are millions of these in the ocean anyway, they often wash up on beaches and get stuck on your flip-flops. The only way to tell if those are from this spill or the many other spills that happen all around the world would be through chemical testing.

And even though we can't see it, we don't want to be swimming in that water?

No you don't want to be swimming in it. Hydrocarbons are not good for humans or any other aquatic or semi-aquatic life.

So what should other states up here in the Northeast be doing to prepare for this?

Basically, they just have to keep watching and keep testing. It is a series of unlikely events that would cause it to affect our shores, but as we know from this blowout, unlikely events do occur more often than we'd like.

WNYC - News - Could Oil from the Gulf Wash Up on Northeast Shores?