"the next internet millionaire is a pile of shit"

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I copped a lot of shit for expressing this sentiment a month or two ago at another forum.
I actually thought it was an ok show for a while. Of course I am not in the USA right now so any english show becomes watchable.

But the last episode sucked, but I thinik if lots of newbies are watching maybe what Joel is doing will work.

He is trying to drag this out and keep the interest up through the product phase. That is tough. It should have been less insulting and more techy knowing the audience. Maybe first one to rank first for SEO phrases, first sale, most sales a week/month. Then total winner from points from those contests.
Well, the problem is, when it's Trump's Apprentice show, the projects that he hires the apprentice for is a seriously cool project. If Joel had said, "The winner of this contest will work with me to launch a joint venture that does (insert something cool here)" I think there'd be a lot more interest.

Instead, it sounds like he's just getting another eBook flunky. That's not exciting, that's fucking lame.
This made me chuckle: "I can’t possibly explain the salespage as I got about a third of the way thru it, and found myself running downstairs to take a crap."

Then it got me wondering where the guy is that he doesn't have a bathroom on the same floor.

Is ADD contagious?... cause I think I'm coming down with it.
Heres how I get around those issues (although my shitter is on the same floor, and about 10 feet from my office...

Computer in the office, laptop in the shitter
Heres how I get around those issues (although my shitter is on the same floor, and about 10 feet from my office...

Computer in the office, laptop in the shitter

Yeah, and if you were a shit-monkey, you'd have one out by the grill, too...


Is that an addiction, or what?

I only have bedrooms upstairs. I remodeled one into my office. Having 2 screaming sons and a woman who thinks she must have her friends over all day while I am trying to work is rather annoying. I would put a bathrooom up here but since we are in the process of surveying and landmarking to build a new house in the spring, got to save them dollars.
My tab actually goes everywhere with me... it stays posted in the shitter when Im home though...

When I cook on the grill, I always get little grease splatters on my glasses... don't you imagine shoemoney has hamburger grease all over his laptop by now?

I don't even care to think about what might get on my laptop if I took it in the crapper with me... ewwwwwwwwwwwwww :repuke:

I can afford to take a break for a few minutes.
He's also a good example of someone who should not shave their head. Not everyone is cut out for it.

Looks like a lobotomy patient.
Well I read Ruck's post and laughed through it considering he made some good points more particular I liked this point.

She managed to put important text into a yellow background. Anyone that has read “Buy my stupid ebook” knows how important that yellow background on the text is.

haha but after reading this I was curious to see just what these too pages actually looked like so I wen't over to the next internet millionaire and looked for a link somewhere but couldn't find one and well I wasen't going to sign up for that bull shit so I said fuck it.

However I did find one of Joel Comm's eBook websites and I was amazed, you know for a suppose millionaire he sure the fuck didn't spend any money at all on that site, shit I suck at design and could build a better site in a day.

But yeah its a pretty useless show and I want to bitch slap that guy on there every time I see him, I don't even know his name he just looks like one of those fags that you want to punch.
Well #1 for "vote for next internet millionaire" in the big Googley...While I hope nobody actually searches that shit, at least they will get something a little unexpected.

And just to be a dick, I changed the headline the other night and posted shortly after so I could achieve two rankings for

"vote for internet millionaire"


Her page is at cubicletomillionaire
Pretty boy's page is viralvideoforever

I see she already has her book on Amazon I believe. That guy reminds me a bit of Chris Crocker.
but really, what did y'all expect it to be?

True but hey I just found out the website of Charles, I'm not going to post his link because I actually had to watch through some of the recent episode of the internet millionaire to find it because even though I hate the show and hate this charles guy even more I'm into online video a lot and was curious to see how he played this one out.

First thing I noticed even when watching the next internet millionaire is what they are all using REVVER and for those of you who don't know what REVVER is then your living in the past, they are a simple company which will pay you based upon how many views each of your video gets, its not much and you better be generating a few million views to turn some money from it but nonetheless thats what they do.

Anyway in the vid I watched I did see the cover of Jamies book and some photo's and well I would honestly really hate to say it but her book cover looked pretty damn good and the photo's of her looked pretty damn good as well, hell even Charles landing page had an ok design.

Just so you all know I didn't read over the copy I'm just talking about looks of the book cover and the landing page other then that though I didn't take all that much time to look into each one.

But gotta go and then get back to work so I'll be around later on.
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