The News - Flu Shots and Olympics

Moe Bricks

New member
Dec 19, 2013
Seems like every flu shot season the news ALWAYS creates a report on how 'people are speculating that there won't be enough flu shots to go around.' Like seriously, every year the same shit, they create scarcity for the shots, and then they do some other report subsequent to it that reports on somebody dying from a flu (H5N1 is the one I just saw) before it was bird flu, H1N1, and it's always, ALWAYS accompanying the flu shot scarcity report.

Another favorite news topic I'm just watching, the 'security issues of 2014 Sochi Olympics.' They report on insurgent attacks and instability in the area that could 'potentially be problematic for the Olympic games,' and they literally do this every fucking time, they did it with China, they did it with Vancouver, they do it everytime the Olympics roll around, they make people all anxious about the Olympics and basically lobby for greater security measures etc etc.

Any other recurring news themes you guys have noticed? I'm sure there's more than this, but the flu shot one made me have the greatest recollection of all the other same reports that roll out over the flu season. It's almost like they have a yearly schedule of issues to report in synchronicity.

"Any other recurring news themes you guys have noticed?"
The top leader of Al-Qaeda is dead but there is still enough oil in the Mid. East for everyone to fit in 2 cones...and if you can't fit 2 cones it is due to a stressful work life. Have you heard about the new cone supplements?

*Honestly...who came up with this cone deal? Out them, so I can get their skype.

I don't remember, was it 1920 or 1921 where influenza pandemic was significant? I think that might have also been H1N1.
There is almost a hundred years of accumulated knowledge and you base your outlook on television news?

That seems so Pewep.
Another favorite news topic I'm just watching, the 'security issues of 2014 Sochi Olympics.' They report on insurgent attacks and instability in the area that could 'potentially be problematic for the Olympic games,' and they literally do this every fucking time, they did it with China, they did it with Vancouver, they do it everytime the Olympics roll around, they make people all anxious about the Olympics and basically lobby for greater security measures etc etc.

Really? They reported on insurgent attacks and instability in the area leading up to the Vancouver Winter Olympics?
No, with Canada it was concerns over gang violence of course, insurgents in Canada?

LoL. One article reporting about a handful of tabloid media (er "the world media") reporting on the running gun battles between drug gangs in the streets of Vancouver...

"As it prepares to host the 2010 Winter Olympics, what it's got now is not cuddly, eco-friendly publicity, but blood-spattered streets littered with shell casings and corpses," the story says. "Vancouver is the battlefield in a war between myriad drug gangs, which include Hells Angels, Big Circle Boys, United Nations, Red Scorpions, Independent Soldiers and the 14K Triad."

...yeah, whatever. Search Google for "vancouer winter olympics security concerns" and you'll only find articles on how much was spent, not that there was some major concern that drug dealers might start shooting the place up in the middle of the Luge event.

A far cry from Muslim terrorists blowing up the transit system with suicide bombers, which really appears to be happening in Russia. I think there might actually be cause for concern.
"As it prepares to host the 2010 Winter Olympics, what it's got now is not cuddly, eco-friendly publicity, but blood-spattered streets littered with shell casings and corpses," the story says. "Vancouver is the battlefield in a war between myriad drug gangs, which include Hells Angels, Big Circle Boys, United Nations, Red Scorpions, Independent Soldiers and the 14K Triad."

LOL... ohhh, that was so good it made me spit out my drink.

The war zone of Vancouver. You betcha, media! Blood splattered streets, I tell ya! Aside from Singapore, you'd be hard pressed to find a cleaner downtown than Vancouver.
Any other recurring news themes you guys have noticed? I'm sure there's more than this, but the flu shot one made me have the greatest recollection of all the other same reports that roll out over the flu season. It's almost like they have a yearly schedule of issues to report in synchronicity.

-Politics is the most important thing in the world.

-Decade long wars of aggression are perfectly normal and necessary for national security.

-Guns are bad, mmkay? (Great for driving gun sales).

-For some reason, a "reasonable debate" about gun control doesn't have the option of "leave me and my private property alone" on the table.

-Terrorists want to kill you and your family.

-Support the troops (by sending them off to be killed in unjust wars).

-The Government "gives" us civil rights, gay rights, women's rights, decriminalized marijuana and a host of other things - and we should be appreciative of our handlers for all of the "freedom" they allow us.

-Stupid shit you should buy.

-Cops are heroes.

-The Government loves you - only some politicians are bad.

-If you question anything you're a paranoid nutjob (and possibly a national security threat)

-Celebrities are better than you and worth spending a bunch of your time giving a shit about how they spend their lives.

-The Government can "stimulate" job growth in the private sector through legislation (LOL).

Plenty of other reasons that I do my best to avoid the news.
Except for after the Canucks won the Cup, right?

And what happened in the days / weeks following that riot? Right, thousands of people descended onto downtown Vancouver to volunteer and clean up. Plus thanks to city cooperation, a lot of those idiots were caught, because they were brilliant enough to upload photos of them rioting to Facebook, and the public was more than helpful is letting police know who each person was.
Here's another one:

Duck Dynasty dude denounces homosexuality 2 weeks before Christmas.

News outlets go nuts with rumors that show might get cancelled

Facebook explodes and everywhere you look there are licensed Duck Dynasty products for sale. Sales are off the charts due to all the free publicity. (some would argue bad publicity but considering the demographic this "bad" news story actually propelled sales). "Im gonna get me a collectors item!"

After Christmas all is forgiven and A&E decides to sign them all on for another season.

Hmmmm....brilliant marketing move.