The Most Astonding Fact (Video)


Click, Whirr.
Oct 27, 2008
Canada... eh!
Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, "What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?" This is his answer.
[ame=""]The Most Astounding Fact (Neil DeGrasse Tyson) - YouTube[/ame]




A moment of silence for all our star homies that had to die for this mass congregation of gay webmasters to exist...

Saw this on Finch's fb as well but found this version which is actually better as it goes into more detail and less cheesy with the music:

[ame=]Dr. Neil DeGrasse - A fascinatingly disturbing thought - YouTube[/ame]
So he's preaching the big bang theory to soft piano twiddling in the background?

Pretentious douchebag.
So he's preaching the big bang theory to soft piano twiddling in the background?

Pretentious douchebag.

Someone put together the video to help disseminate the fine words of Neil Degrasse Tyson, a preacher of scientific truths.

This isn't the big bang theory either, it's well known to astrophysicists where matter comes from and that's the only thing explained in this video.

You exist because stars died and spread their guts around the universe. Where did you think you came from?
"Everyone knows that the drop merges into the ocean but few know that the ocean merges into the drop"

-Kabir (Sufi Poet)
This is the shit that blew my mind. i think i first learned this fact from Through the Wormhole, maybe How the Universe Works (narrated by mike rowe) ....

Stars get heavier and heavier over time and fuse new elements, until they get to Iron and they die... if theyre big enough they blow up in a supernova, and all that good star dust flys through space, ready to create the next generation of planets and stars. That is the shit we're made of, exploding star dust.

<3 Science.
Someone put together the video to help disseminate the fine words of Neil Degrasse Tyson, a preacher of scientific truths.

This isn't the big bang theory either, it's well known to astrophysicists where matter comes from and that's the only thing explained in this video.

You exist because stars died and spread their guts around the universe. Where did you think you came from?

I'm not pretentious enough to claim I know where we came from.

But I am pretentious enough to claim that all the evidence we have doesn't point to any one factor conclusively.

Maybe I need some soft piano music too.
I'm not pretentious enough to claim I know where we came from.

But I am pretentious enough to claim that all the evidence we have doesn't point to any one factor conclusively.

Maybe I need some soft piano music too.

You're missing the point.

Neil deGrasse Tyson didn't make any claims as to how this matter came into existence in the first place, nor did he propose any theories as to how any of it was molded into living organisms on Earth. He simply stated that matter doesn't go away and is instead repurposed.

That leaves quite a bit of room for a creator (natural or supernatural) to come in and put all of the pieces together.
I'm not pretentious enough to claim I know where we came from.

But I am pretentious enough to claim that all the evidence we have doesn't point to any one factor conclusively.

Maybe I need some soft piano music too.

These aren't some 2-bit facts off a cracker jack box.

Tell me what evidence you don't agree with and we can reason it out from there. That is unless you've been indoctrinated into a myopic view of the world, in which case I have no desire to bang my head against a rock.
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if we get to the technicalities of it it's just beyond our comprehension. Humans have this innate arrogance that makes them believe they should be able to understand everything.

Neil just wants us to understand that we're part of this beautiful universe, part of the cosmos. We are all connected to the "source" of life, whatever that is. Anything beyond that is, and will always be, in the domain of the mysterious.

Albert Einstein summed it up pretty well: “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.”
FYI the big bang is what religious people use as evidence of divine creation.

In other words "God started the big bang. And we know nothing about what was before the big bang, therefore we can postulate that it was God."
This is the one that blew my mind. Brian Cox is awesome.

[ame=]Hubble Ultra Deep Field - Wonders of the Universe: Messengers - BBC Two - YouTube[/ame]

Each dot is a GALAXY! and this is a tiny, tiny piece of the night sky.
FYI the big bang is what religious people use as evidence of divine creation.

In other words "God started the big bang. And we know nothing about what was before the big bang, therefore we can postulate that it was God."

What else do you let these 'religious people' decide for you?
What else do you let these 'religious people' decide for you?

I let religious people decide things for me? Since when?

I like to determine the veracity of an idea by its qualities, not by who espouses it.

And since I'm not the arbiter of what is logically possible, I say that it's plausible to conclude that the big bang can be construed as evidence for a god.

Which is why we need to be open to alternatives other than a big bang.
I let religious people decide things for me? Since when?

Since you started sharing their opinions.

I like to determine the veracity of an idea by its qualities, not by who espouses it.

Reality isn't up to an individuals perception of 'quality traits'.

And since I'm not the arbiter of what is logically possible, I say that it's plausible to conclude that the big bang can be construed as evidence for a god.

I'm completely baffled that you'd take something like the big bang and then leap forward ten thousand leagues forward by saying it's evidence for god.

What's your definition of evidence?

Which is why we need to be open to alternatives other than a big bang.
I agree we should always be open to alternatives, but not so open that our brain falls out while reason and rationality sail off the edge of Earth.

Read this most excellent book, it's like a knowledge bunker buster.
[ame=""] Cosmos (9780345331359): Carl Sagan: Books[/ame]
Since you started sharing their opinions.

Reality isn't up to an individuals perception of 'quality traits'.

I'm completely baffled that you'd take something like the big bang and then leap forward ten thousand leagues forward by saying it's evidence for god.

What's your definition of evidence?

I agree we should always be open to alternatives, but not so open that our brain falls out while reason and rationality sail off the edge of Earth.

Read this most excellent book, it's like a knowledge bunker buster. Cosmos (9780345331359): Carl Sagan: Books

You sound like you were fed a diet of 24/7 cable news instead of going to school. Allow me to clear a few things up

a) Just because I acknowledge the arguments theists use, therefore I share their opinions, or let them make my opinions for me.

b) You need to have grounds for assuming your position is reality before claiming it is. This isn't a presidential debate- there is no time limit or commercial interruptions. You are not Sarah Palin. Your position DOES have to be stated, and then defended.

Unless you expect me to take it on faith. Are you faith-based, bro?

Tell me why you reject the cyclical model of the universe. Do you even know what it is? What about the notion that there is no true temporally staggered causation, and that everything is caused simultaneously, thereby side-stepping the need to use God to explain the universe?

Don't aff-link me to a Carl Sagan book from 30 years ago. Let's get real bro.