The Like Button Is Playing Hide and Seek But Mostly Hide


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
As per a convo with Brandon, because we both REALLY enjoy the Like link button thingy... he had to remove it temporarily as it was part of the now corrupt and death spiral we knew of as vbseo. A fairly popular plugin for our forum software that many moons ago, went kaput.

The like mechanism has been saved and surgically removed, however it's going to be delayed. We do promise it shall be restored. I do not know if it will retain the previous status of awesomeness, because some of those tallies were quite impressive... I sure do know that we are working to do just that, restore the stats and previous likes, but if we cannot, just getting it back in general is really all that matters.

(You can expect paid contests on certain lulzy and popular information packed threads of awesomeness to occur to repopulate likes, but that's the best I can promise you guys if we can't restore the previous figures of it!)

My apologies. Brandon apologizes more, but not really because I agree with what he says that it would be much better to cut the cancer of vbseo out of WickedFire and have the likes reset to zero versus losing WickedFire entirely.

Because of this issue and some others before it, Brandon will create a new area for status updates so that when we make Stalin-esque changes you'll be informed of them and won't have to run around like a chicken with no head claiming that the British are coming.

Tango niner out.

PS- Good thing we are lazy fucks. You can always count on us to make delayed changes to things we probably should have addressed a long time ago, all so that you can have your likes and eat them too for the extended period of time you've had to enjoy it. (did that make any sense? Do people actually read this shit? Who cares... SEO and aff marketing is dead anyhow according to Shoemoney from like years ago. He's the sexpert, he knows best. Holler!)

Can we get a 'hate you' button with the update? Or maybe a 'fuck off and die'link?
I actually do enjoy the ability to 'like' and 'dislike' comments/posts. Most platforms typically just have a like function, but the ability to both upvote & downvote is awesome.

Most definitely. Let's add the 'dislike' button too. We can call it 'Insta-Rep'.

When someone like ImComin comes along, boom, 450 dislikes.
I'm tampering with it a bit, but don't have access yet to upload a new thumbs up icon and would like to get it to show up underneath the actual post content instead of underneath the entire post container.
Praying to Jewish-God that I can retain my sweet post:like ratio, otherwise praying to Jewish-God to grant me the serenity to kick the stool out from under my feet.
Praying to Jewish-God that I can retain my sweet post:like ratio, otherwise praying to Jewish-God to grant me the serenity to kick the stool out from under my feet.

You're q like Jew. Wants everyone to like his stuff, while bogarting the likes