The Legalities of Marketing on Myspace

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Don't poody when ya scoot
Jun 28, 2007
I just wanted to see if anyone has really figured out the legalities of marketing on Myspace. I know sending messages, comments, and bulletins is considered spam and people have been sued over it. What I haven't heard is someone being sued over friend requests, and I have never heard Myspace mention friend requests when they talk about taking care of the spammers. Has anyone explored this with a lawyer? I made a shitload of money sending just friend requests and I'd like to keep doing it, and I'm sure others would too.

I don't think this post is totally selfish.... the answer to this question will help anyone reading it that wants to market on Myspace.

I doubt they could sue you... cancel your account, maybe block your IP or cause shit with your affiliate networks..

but I'm not a lawyer and Rupert Murdoch isn't exactly known for being a nice guy.... maybe they'll send some crackheads round to rape your kids?
Yeah, I wonder if they care about people sending out a ton of friend requests, but not doing anything with the friends?

I think Jon said he had 7 figures worth of friends on his myspace accounts just sitting around...he hasn't been sued. ;)

If you don't mind me asking, is the way you make money selling the accounts with the friends?
Yeah, I wonder if they care about people sending out a ton of friend requests, but not doing anything with the friends?

I think Jon said he had 7 figures worth of friends on his myspace accounts just sitting around...he hasn't been sued. ;)

If you don't mind me asking, is the way you make money selling the accounts with the friends?

That or a fake profile that sends people to dating sites.
no, I promote an affiliate program. I make up a bunch of profiles, and then put the offer on the page. And yeah it's a dating site deal, if you must know ;)

I wonder if anyone that really knows would even answer this post. But ya gotta put it out there and see what happens....
Is it one of those where you put up a picture of some really hot chick and say like "hey, i just made this profile...but then my friend told me about [DATING SITE]...its much better! look me up on there!" ?
No I put up online dating tips and then tell them to go and try it on the site I am promoting. And the tips are actually good ones :)
Do people fall for them tho?
I see them types but didnt think ayone would be daft enough to fall for it?
Best way to market on myspace is to qualify people during friend request from what I did, meaning targetting people with the interest you have on ya myspace page, but aint sommat can do with frien adders tho I dont think.

make sense?
You never know if it works until you try. Personally, it's a little off the ethical scale for me. :D

But darth, are you automating your friend requests? Custom solution?

Do you spread your friends out over many accounts? That seems to be the safest way to go.

I hope you don't mind me asking....
I use Easy Adder. It still works and they keep it updated. It also allows you to chain multiple accounts. YOu can have 50 accounts and run them all at once. Their site is MySpace Friend Adder | MySpace Bot | Easy Adder (I wish I was an affiliate so I can make money off this lol)

But the question still remains... has anyone looked into the legality of this kind of marketing? Simply sending friend requests and that's it. Can Myspace sure, or can't they?
you guys are fuckin' 1 year behind...That market is beyond saturated, but good-luck.

These ideas stated here are about as unique as the idea that we breathe oxygen, and there is such thing as gravity...

Man...bunch of newb's lately around here...
you guys are fuckin' 1 year behind...That market is beyond saturated, but good-luck.

These ideas stated here are about as unique as the idea that we breathe oxygen, and there is such thing as gravity...

Man...bunch of newb's lately around here...

I agree. And I was one of those poor suckers who found out about myspace "marketing" a year too late. Hey, I'm old what can I say.
But I DID make some money and if nothing else, it (myspace marketing) led me to forums like this and other methods that are now making me a HELLUVA lot more than I ever imagined.

For the original poster, myspace is not going to sue you. I'm not a lawyer but you're not breaking any laws, if anything, you're violating a websites tos.

I have tons of myspace accounts and still use them once in a while but unless I'm mistaken, the bots that still work are not able to get around the capcha anymore.
That's great, I'm glad you guys are quiting, all the more for me. It's when the old guy sits there and knocks down the new guy that he will stay stagnet. Even though I am not new to making money off Myspace, I've been doing it for a almost 2 years now, and I am still making big money off Myspace. So you just keep that closed mind closed and I'll keep making money off what's working. Like I said in my original post, I was just looking to see if anyone knows if sending friend requests is legal. I've gotten a ton of responses from people that say they "think" it's ok, but none that said they hired a lawyer and he said it was ok. I was trying to see if anyone else spent the money and did the leg work so I don't have to, and so many of us on this board don't have to.
I don't know anything about myspace but this goes for all legal matters, if there's a question hire an attorney to advise you. You say you're making big money well spend a little of it on getting educated. Contract law is probably what you're looking for.
Lol dude, if you're making that much money, pay a lawyer.

And FYI - friend adders are shit now that the good ones got closed down. If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. Not that bad of a coding project.
Like I said I was trying to find someone that already hired a lawyer, but so far it doesn't look like anyone has. Oh well.... I guess I will hire one, BUT I will only PM the people that were cool on this board with the results. :)
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