The Known Universe.

"afterglow of the big bang" - giggity

makes me think of this old video:

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Damn we aren't as big as we think we are.

With a universe that big, it wouldn't make sense if life didn't exist.
I read some books on the size of the universe a few years ago, it's truly and utterly unimaginable. I recall it saying something like,if the earth were the size of a pea, drawn to scale, the edge of our solar system would be 50,000km away.

I also remember reading about the formula that calculates the probability of there being other intelligent life, based upon ever diminishing criteria and luck.

This formula calculated, from recollection, that there would be 100m planets, just within our galaxy, potentially having developed intelligent life. Crazily, our galaxy is only 1 of in exess of 100billion. Intelligent life is not simply possible, it's highly, highly probable.

BBC - h2g2 - If Earth were the size of a pea
These sort of things give me the chills...
I've always being intrigued by the universe.. Stargazing is my medication when I'm overwhelmed by thoughts and whatnot...

Theoretically "wormholes" would be the bridge between time-space, so it would be faster than the speed of light.. I'm not a physicist, but the Sheldon Cooper of the Wicked Fire could give us better answer.
Wow just wow.

Had to copy&paste my post from digitalpoint. Interesting info below.

1) The number of galaxies. An estimated 50 billion galaxies are visible with modern telescopes and the total number in the universe must surely exceed this number by a huge factor, but we will be conservative and simply double it. That's 100,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe.

2) The number of stars in an average galaxy. As many as hundreds of billions in each galaxy.
Lets call it just 100 billion.

That's 100,000,000,000 stars per galaxy.

3)The number of stars in the universe.
So the total number of stars in the universe is roughly 100 billion x 100 billion.

That's 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, 10 thousand, billion, billion. Properly known as 10 sextillion. And that's a very conservative estimate.

4) The number of stars that have planetary systems. The original extra-solar system planet hunting technology dictated that a star needed to be to close to us for a planet to be detected, usually by the stars 'wobble'. Better technology that allows us to measure the dimming of a stars brightness when a planet crosses its disk has now revolutionised planet hunting and new planets are being discovered at an ever increasing rate. So far (August 2003) around 100 have been discovered so we have very little data to work on for this estimate. Even so, most cosmologists believe that planetary formation around a star is quite common place. For the sake of argument let us say it's not and rate it at only one in a million and only one planet in each system, as we want a conservative estimate, not an exaggerated one. That calculation results in:

10,000,000,000,000,000 planets in the universe. Ten million, billion, as a conservative estimate.

5) The number planets capable of supporting life. Let's assume that this is very rare among planets and rate it at only one in a million. Simple division results in:

10,000,000,000 planets in the universe capable of producing life. Ten billion!

Bottom line is you are stupid if you think we are alone in the universe.
Wow just wow.

Had to copy&paste my post from digitalpoint. Interesting info below.

Bottom line is you are stupid if you think we are alone in the universe.

On digital point? Did you write this in an ebook and sell it on there?
Yeah, my friend showed me that video before I posted it here. So I sat down last night and really watched it. It puts perspective on alot of things. And there's a good quote to go with it by Carl Sagan that really makes all our problems seem meaningless in the grand scale of things:

Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar”, every “supreme leader”, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there—on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
It really boggles my mind to think about it for too long.
Earth = Whoville

Really cool video.

How could space ever end? That thought has always messed with my mind because space can't end, it has to be infinity. There always has to be something...