The jig is up!

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yawn. more blah no action. if anything this will improve sales especially with acai shampoo and the likes in the works.
yawn. more blah no action. if anything this will improve sales especially with acai shampoo and the likes in the works.

I don't know about that. If the FTC jumps on board it is going to be a slap fest by the engines that will rival a mosh pit.
I think people underestimate the power of Google, MS and the others to keep the gravy train on track. They likely have an army of lawyers and highly paid lobbyists to defend their search traffic interests, so don't worry too much about it. If there are changes, adapt. Fatties will always be willing to buy hope.
I wouldn't worry guys. I saw the same thing 7 years ago with Coral Calcium, and then Hoodia, Green Tea, and now its Acai. There's always something new coming out. These products never last for more than a year or two.
Well, at least we now have a name for the model used in most of those sites.
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