The "History Factor" For Adwords

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New member
Mar 12, 2007
Hey everyone. I recently read a good blog post by Amit over at Super Affiliate Mindset where he talks about what he calls the "history factor" for Adwords. Here's the link:

Adwords Question From a Reader | Super Affiliate Mindset

What do all of you think about this? I've never read anything about this so called history factor before but it sounds interesting to say the least.

Do you think that the history factor is set in certain increments such as 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, etc. So, every time you go beyond that time increment it will help increase your ad positioning? Or do you think that it could possibly be calculated relative to your competition?

Also, what do you think Google calculates the history factor for? The campaign as a whole? Each text ad? Each keyword?

I believe in the history factor. The older the account the better. The increments will never be known though. I think it plays a part in the quality score, an older account will be deemed more successful due to longetivity then a brand new one, so this will affect everything.
I dont think their is a history factor or if so not much. They want their money. If you set up an account that converts well, has high traffic, and lots of money in the account they will let it go crazy.

But I havent started a totally new Google account for myself or anyone else in a while. But new campaigns can go crazy off the block if they convert.
I don't think he's talking about account history at all. It sounded to me like the history had more to with your campaign.

So, if you're campaign has more history for a specific keyword compared to your competition then that will give you an edge.
I both agree and disagree with Beejeebers.

There is nothing so strong as a long history of good CTR, strong bids and high earnings for Google.

At the same time, the fastest way to absolve an account of its previous sins is to start a new account with no history at all.
There is nothing so strong as a long history of good CTR, strong bids and high earnings for Google.

Yeah I guess it would only make sense for Google to look at the history of your CTR and bids because if it was based on just how much time your campaigns/ads were running then you could go and set up an account and ad campaign, pause it, wait a couple months, and then come back to it and unpause it and have instany "history" helping you out with your ad positioning.
I think they take your age in to account too. Older people are more experienced and should write better ad copy.
I don't remember on what site but I read a blog post about this yesterday. The author compared two accounts, one like 2 years old but with an average ctr of 1% and a newer one with an average ctr of like 8%. The new one had, for the same campaign, minimum bids at 0.04$ and great quality score, while the older one had a minimum bid of 30cent and okay quality score. so the only thing that matters seems to be ctr history.
So the author compared a SHITTY old account that he fucked up with a new one that he didn't fuck up yet and the new one, (with a better history), won?


History of the account goes both ways. If you have an old shitty account, it will keep being an old shitty account. But if you have an old good account, it will beat any new account out there running the same campaign.
With all else being equal, if Google looked at the CTR history, and compared two different accounts competing for the same keyword that each had the same CTR but one had that CTR for 2 months while the other only had that CTR for 2 weeks then the older one would get the higher position then.

Maybe thats what Amit was getting at?
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