The Government is Just Going to Keep on Till they Control the Internet

Hang on, are you saying the government has no place in investigating and upholding the law?
I've been suspecting Google would be an anti-trust target for years. When you get that big in any one market space (let alone 3 or 4 related ones) you might as well just start preparing the legal defense ahead of time.
Lets break up google so all search results will be as worthless as Yahoo, ask and AOL?

As awesome as it would be to see Big Bro G fall, it's not gonna happen - and if it were it would only be a matter of time before an ex employee steals their algorithm and sells it or starts up their own replica.

Fuck the gov, fuck goog, and fuck the police.
Meh, hate seeing the constant hate for Google here. Everyone here loved Google back in 2006 when it was earning them a lifestyle. But once Google decided to reduce the amount of deceptive ads and banning accounts, majority of people here started hating them. Which is bullshit. Take the extra couple $100k you made with Google, and stop the hating. As I'm sure 99% of the members here use Google every fucking day to somehow help their income. Google falling will do all us more damage, then it just being the way it is nowadays. I mean damn, look at the competition.
Meh, hate seeing the constant hate for Google here. Everyone here loved Google back in 2006 when it was earning them a lifestyle. But once Google decided to reduce the amount of deceptive ads and banning accounts, majority of people here started hating them. Which is bullshit. Take the extra couple $100k you made with Google, and stop the hating. As I'm sure 99% of the members here use Google every fucking day to somehow help their income. Google falling will do all us more damage, then it just being the way it is nowadays. I mean damn, look at the competition.

If you think your privacy is a laughing matter then you deserve what's coming to you. The hate for Big Bro G mainly revolves around privacy concerns.
Meh, hate seeing the constant hate for Google here. Everyone here loved Google back in 2006 when it was earning them a lifestyle. But once Google decided to reduce the amount of deceptive ads and banning accounts, majority of people here started hating them. Which is bullshit. Take the extra couple $100k you made with Google, and stop the hating. As I'm sure 99% of the members here use Google every fucking day to somehow help their income. Google falling will do all us more damage, then it just being the way it is nowadays. I mean damn, look at the competition.


WASHINGTON (AFP) – The attorney general of the US state of Texas has opened an inquiry into whether Internet giant Google manipulates search results.

And so what if they are?

Jesus fucking christ, keep fucking with Google until you make them as shitty as Bing or Yahoo, yea sounds like a real fucking great idea. Make Google like Bing so there is literally no rhyme or reason to their SERPs and we all end up bagging groceries at Walmart. Fucking idiots.
If you think your privacy is a laughing matter then you deserve what's coming to you. The hate for Big Bro G mainly revolves around privacy concerns.

Think Google is evil? Think they are part of the CIA and mining your info? Cool, don't fucking use them.

Keep the worthless fucking government out of the internet before they fuck it up like they fuck everything else up.
If you think your privacy is a laughing matter then you deserve what's coming to you. The hate for Big Bro G mainly revolves around privacy concerns.

Honestly, I could give less of crap about my privacy on the internet. I really don't see how much Google can honestly know. What sites I'm on? I don't care. The emails I write? I'm pretty sure they aren't stupid enough to read them, and even if they did, don't use gmail. What I'm looking to purchase? Again, don't care.

I can't discredit Google for the shit load of progress it has made in the last decade, and the fact that a bunch of you are labeling privacy with them as guilty until proven innocent is not right.

Wait until Google fucks up badly regarding your privacy and then you have something to backup your hate.
Um, old guy here.

Do you guys remember (no, of course not) that the predecessor of the "Internet" used to be ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).

Like the internet was invented by a government agency. A US government agency. So a paranoid title like "government wants to control the internet" is sorta ironic to the point of hilarity.

I love the free-market as much as anybody here, but the "the government is evil - all the time" meme that floats around here is starting to border on self-parody.
Um, old guy here.

Do you guys remember (no, of course not) that the predecessor of the "Internet" used to be ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network).

Damn, you on social security yet sir?

Like the internet was invented by a government agency. A US government agency. So a paranoid title like "government wants to control the internet" is sorta ironic to the point of hilarity.

I love the free-market as much as anybody here, but the "the government is evil - all the time" meme that floats around here is starting to border on self-parody.

Very good points
No, I'm Canadian.

But I remember in my teenage years, I had posted on my bedroom wall George F. Will's classic essay titled:
"Why Arms Control is Dangerous" (1984)

Ah the Reagan years. They were glorious.
No, I'm Canadian.

But I remember in my teenage years, I had posted on my bedroom wall George F. Will's classic essay titled:
"Why Arms Control is Dangerous" (1984)

Ah the Reagan years. They were glorious.

All I could decipher from your message was canadian + Reagan Smash
Meh, hate seeing the constant hate for Google here. Everyone here loved Google back in 2006 when it was earning them a lifestyle. But once Google decided to reduce the amount of deceptive ads and banning accounts, majority of people here started hating them. Which is bullshit. Take the extra couple $100k you made with Google, and stop the hating. As I'm sure 99% of the members here use Google every fucking day to somehow help their income. Google falling will do all us more damage, then it just being the way it is nowadays. I mean damn, look at the competition.
People probably don't hate em because they're not taking their berry money, more likely because the CS is shit and they'll slap the shit out of legit campaigns or even ban you - then won't say why.
People probably don't hate em because they're not taking their berry money, more likely because the CS is shit and they'll slap the shit out of legit campaigns or even ban you - then won't say why.

I understand that, and I myself also get frustrated for that exact reason. The thing is though, we (affiiates) somewhat brought this all on ourselves with the types of offer we've been promoting. We can't be naive and believe that Google will just kill all the deceptive ads and still decide to stay in good terms with affiliates. I'm pretty sure we left a sour taste in their mouth.

At the end of the day, Google is a large brand and has to represent it self as trustworthy as possible to it's consumers (searchers). I'm surprised we were able to run rebills for as long as we did. But now, I don't blame Google coming down hard on affiliates, and based on their quarterly results, they really didn't have much to lose in doing so.