Hear ye, hear ye.
Let it known that some basic knowledge is below.
You can use periods(not the girl kind) in your email address to use your account as multiple different addresses.
blah@gmail.com =
In addition, you can use @googlemail.com for even more addresses. This trick has been available for years and years.
This came up in a chat just now and some people didnt know about it. So just reposting to WF since we thought it should be shared bc we bout dat life.
Let it known that some basic knowledge is below.
You can use periods(not the girl kind) in your email address to use your account as multiple different addresses.
blah@gmail.com =
In addition, you can use @googlemail.com for even more addresses. This trick has been available for years and years.
This came up in a chat just now and some people didnt know about it. So just reposting to WF since we thought it should be shared bc we bout dat life.