The funniest thing i've seen in a long time.

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Perl Monkey
Jan 5, 2007
When I saw this I instantly began laughing uncontrollably. Instantly I walked over to Eli and asked him, "Your a moderator on wickedfire?"

Laughing uncontrollably, I then asked "when were you bestowed this power" quickly eli retorts, "no man, you don't understand".... still laughing and not able to control it, i went back to my desk....

nearing the end of the post, i've finally got it under control...

until i check this thread tomorrow... Then I'll be laughing all over again.

Jon, thanks for the laughs..


I'd delete this thread but knowing you, you'd probably write a script to autopost it a hundred more times. :)
I hereby bestow the honor of Moderator, administrator, and president to Rob of his own fucking desk.

Never leave your kingdom unprotected *evil grin*
*hires 10 Indians to rapidly make paper airplanes*

*readies the office catapult and points it towards eli's desk.

*puts on his 300 costume!
*stands on desk looking around...*

*puts up a memo firing 10 indians*

"Thank you, come again."

*changes out of his 300 costume, back into his usual office clothing"

Another productive day wasted due to politacl debates, news feeds and lunch.
*Buys some bling for his new Firelead shirt and books an appointment with a piercing parlor*

Team Optimus Prime(our new name) with it's might of 10 spit wad making secretaries will crush Sparta and make slaves of it's staplers!
Guys, I propose a treaty between the two parties. As we can all see, when you notice a scythe at a traffic light, a chainsaw trembles. But while that may be the case, you have to be weary of the insurance agent operating a small fruit stand with a plaintiff.

It all comes down to the buy viagra milton plans, you know? Anyway, keep in touch and update me on the peacemaking process.
No worries...
Rob has fled the office in fear of my wrath.

Last I heard he was running to Sacramento. He can't hide there forever, he'll have to show his scummy face around here again (probably tuesday).

BTW he stole one of my french fries before he left.
isn't this a little late? if you really want some laughs, check out eli editing a post from that nameless company and the storm it produced.
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