The Free POF Uploader

I know about the memory leak and especially crazy slow performance on Windows XP, which incidentally a quarter of the people visiting the site these past couple of days seem to be running.

I don't know why you'd be running such an old OS anyway, but the fix is pretty easy so I'll probably have an update out sometime today or tomorrow.
oh my gawd! this worked awesome!


can u release one for f . b pleeease? :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Hey, I'm super new here and have no idea who anyone is so don't take my opinion to heart, I might be totally wrong.

I used the program yesterday and it was great. It saved me a lot of time and I built a bunch of ads. I guess it's the paranoia in me but I don't like entering my password to POF through the program. I just find it very sketchy. It would be really easy to build a program like that for the wrong reasons.

But again, I'm new and I don't know anything or if LeFluffy is an OG of the board and wouldn't do that. It's just something that freaked me out from using the program too much because it would be really easy to set up.
Le Fluffy - without sounding ungrateful, can you address the security concerns raised above?

New version brings significant speed improvements

Also fixed a bug where sometimes, it wouldn't go through all your images

I recommend you upgrade by downloading the latest version here:

The Free POF Uploader

can u release one for f . b pleeease?
Yep, I'm working on it. Actually, about half way done but I need to find a couple of hours to wrap it up and polish it so it's usable.

Hey, I'm super new here and have no idea who anyone is so don't take my opinion to heart, I might be totally wrong.

I used the program yesterday and it was great. It saved me a lot of time and I built a bunch of ads. I guess it's the paranoia in me but I don't like entering my password to POF through the program. I just find it very sketchy. It would be really easy to build a program like that for the wrong reasons.

But again, I'm new and I don't know anything or if LeFluffy is an OG of the board and wouldn't do that. It's just something that freaked me out from using the program too much because it would be really easy to set up.
Le Fluffy - without sounding ungrateful, can you address the security concerns raised above?
Don't worry about sounding ungrateful guys, I perfectly understand and realistically speaking you should never trust your login credentials to anyone or anything.

I couldn't even begin to presume to tell you what/who you should trust. Who am I to say who's wrong and right, right? You need to rely on your own best judgment for that.

However, the little reassurance I can give you is that The Uploader will never ask for or remember your username and password: that's why you have to manually log into the POF site everytime you use the app. For that you use the built-in browser (which is Internet Explorer btw) where you can see everything that's going on.

In the end there's nothing more I can do to reassure you guys. You're as safe with my app as you're with any of those Firefox extension up-loaders out there.

Again, please use whatever tools you feel comfortable with. If that happens to be my little trinket here then I'm absolutely ecstatic I could help you out like that! If not, that's fine too since it's not like it makes me any money.
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You're a good man, LeFluffy. Looking forward to the new release, and the FB version.
good french accent

hahahaha, you're too kind, it's awful! :))

Use donation button for this project it may ends up better than with sale:)

yep, I have thought about a donation scheme and it's going to be for charity

just haven't figured out the logistics of what charity it should be, what payment system I should use, how to track and make the payments go through to the charity, etc...

if anybody wants to help with that, it would be awesome
"If you're like me you're not really too keen on spending $100 on a basic piece of software."

You cheap ass. Why are affiliates so cheap when it comes to spending a couple hundred bucks on something that can make you untold sums of money?

So instead you spent "a couple hours" to develop this tool. Which is worth more to you? $100 or a couple hours. I'll take my couple hours any day of the week.
"If you're like me you're not really too keen on spending $100 on a basic piece of software."

You cheap ass. Why are affiliates so cheap when it comes to spending a couple hundred bucks on something that can make you untold sums of money?

So instead you spent "a couple hours" to develop this tool. Which is worth more to you? $100 or a couple hours. I'll take my couple hours any day of the week.

"If you're like me you're not really too keen on spending $100 on a basic piece of software."

You cheap ass. Why are affiliates so cheap when it comes to spending a couple hundred bucks on something that can make you untold sums of money?

So instead you spent "a couple hours" to develop this tool. Which is worth more to you? $100 or a couple hours. I'll take my couple hours any day of the week.

I felt I needed to expand on MistorToker's brilliant yet concise answer there :)


The couple measly hours I spent are worth it now after all the warm praise of the few people that use this. Knowing I've made a couple of people happy like that (with honestly almost 0 effort) is definitely worth more than $100.