The election is over

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Interesting, and poor popeye...he must have been bashing Obama...wait, just found the "best of..." thread...niiiiicccce.

You got it right. I don't believe in Obama's policys, therefore I am a racist, facist and ignorant god lover.

At least that's what the all inclusive, value everyone's ideas, acceptance for everyone Liberals think.

What's funny is that when Obama crashes and burns they will all of a sudden turn into Ron Paul supporters. I can hear it now "I didn't vote for that socialist fucker Obama. I hung a sheet with VOTE RON PAUL 08 on the freeway overpass !!11!!"

Russia already has made threats towards the USA today.
Fox News Reported this morning HERE

not to mention the stock market is down more than 300 points at the moment

Obama is a joke now that he has won some of his democrat supporters have already admitted that his tax plan would hurt the economy, and they don't think he will follow through with them. also stated that pulling out the war immediately would not be in the best interest of the United States. Flip Flop Politics and it's only day one

God bless America lets hope Obama proves me wrong
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